Well this is just horrific

[url = “http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011109/od/skinned_dc_1.html”] This is just so wrong.

But how can it be wrong when it tastes so right?


A female Hannibal? Oh. My.

Je. Zus. Christ.

I think I need to lie down with a cool cloth over my eyes.

But you have to admire her skill:

Holy shit. Those poor kids.

I’m going to go be ill now.


People have pelts?

Man, it’s only a matter of time before the NRA finds out about this…


Her skill maybe, but not her forethought. It may be in one piece, but it’s got 37 butcher knife size holes in it.

Riiii-ight. You mean the guys that do all that work to promote gun safety and sustainable wildlife populations? What a stupid comment.

Anyone else think of this punchline? “You ain’t gonna make a canoe outta me!”


So…did the kids actually eat the meals? The article doesn’t really seem to say…

…Thank you for watching to The National. I’m Peter Mansbridge, goodnight. Stay tuned for Titus Andronicus.

:raises hand:

And Necros, I’m assuming not. After all, the kids aren’t old enough to drink chianti.

If the story was of this particular evil waste of breath skinning and cooking up, say, the family pets as payback for “rejection”, people would be screaming for moderators to change the thread title to warn of animal-related horridness. Instead, it’s about a human being, so everyone cracks jokes.

Don’t get me wrong. That doesn’t offend me (the not-going-to-be-a-canoe thing crossed my mind, too), I just find the difference pretty interesting.

**matt_mcl wrote:

…Thank you for watching to The National. I’m Peter Mansbridge, goodnight. Stay tuned for Titus Andronicus.**

Matt, you’re sick. I think that’s why I love you so much! :smiley:

…God -DAMN!!

That is one sick woman.

C’mon Beer, it’s a joke.