We're all in the mood for a melody

An oldie interpreted, with a little guitar pickin’

A day late, but whatever:

Magic Sam covers Fats Domino:

Linda Ronstadt - “Lose Again” (1976)

One of many Karla Bonoff songs Linda did (in fact she did three on that same album: “Someone To Lay Down Beside Me”, “Lose Again” and “If He’s Ever Near”).

Just got a turntable, and I’m buying vinyl versions of albums I already have on CD. Karla’s first album was one of my first round of “re-buys”.

Here it is; and it starts with a less “belt it out” version (just piano and a very warm voice) of Lose Again:

Warning: Language

BTW: Six month ago, I left my last job, dropping my two-week notice just as they were bringing in a new Manager for our Department; he seemed like a pretty decent guy, and I kind of wish they’d brought him in six months earlier.

Anywho, he tried to sway me into staying, asking why I was leaving. I played this song for him.


I know this was posted over a month ago but I just stumbled across it yesterday. I played it three times then went to go find some more. I’m hooked!

I can see why Karla’s first album was a priority for you, @digs – the original versions of these songs are terrific!

Someone To Lay Down Beside Me” has such remarkable lyrics. I can’t think of another song that so directly addresses a woman’s conflicted feelings about sleeping with a succession of nobodies. I wonder if we’re supposed to hear the narrator as devastatingly heartbroken, or just depressed and disappointed? Like, just how much of a romantic is she supposed to be?

Some new years melocholyness …

The title is familiar, but the song isn’t.

A song about … well, i don’t know what it’s about.
But it’s called “Big muff”.

How about some blue-eyed soul. Pretty tight band too. I think Mr. Pickett would approve.

Luisa (Encanto) giving us an alternate version: