What Activities Burn How Many Calories?

Is there a website that will help you calculate how many calories would be burned for:

50 sit-ups
50 push-ups
1/2 run

I’m thinking about exercising (I know it’s an evil thought, but it’s already in my mind, so there’s nothing I can do about it). I’d like to do the most productive in the least amount of time (don’t we all?).


There are several websites, but I’d take the data given with a grain of salt.

What sort of exercise are you looking to do? What can you do? What are your goals? Lots of Dopers know their stuff in regards to exercise (Scylla, for one). I’m keen on running, but that’s about it.

Some calc are good guides, and weight watchers and some other reputable places have them. We’ve found them as decent guides.

google on “exercise calorie calculators” should find a number of them.

www.personalhealthzone.com has a good one.

You know my favorite way of exercising AND seeing how many calories I’ve burned? DDR or for those of you out of the arcades, Dance Dance Revolution. The console version of the game for PS2 has special dance pads you can use at home. There’s an exercise section where you put in how much you weigh and start dancing to selected songs. During that time it tells you how many calories you’ve burned, their equivilance to other things (like how many times jumproped, minutes jogging, etc). It also keeps track of your progress. It’s great

One thing to keep in mind is that calorie counts on any kind of machine are just guesses. A 160 pound marathon runner with 8% bodyfat is going to burn a hell of a lot fewer calories playing DDR for 30 minutes than a 160 pound couch potato with a beer belly.