What actor/actress gives you the best Return On Investment?

Considering current salary figures, plus the likelihood of he/she giving you a performance worthy enough to pull in the box office dollars, what actor or actress gives you the best Return On Investment?

For example, Tom Hanks makes a boatload of money on each project he stars in, but he’s rarely in a film that doesn’t make money. He helps sell the film, but at no small cost.

Jim Carrey is probably a bad ROI, based on his hit-or-miss box office track record.

Meanwhile, Samuel Jackson probably has a decent ROI, considering. Morgan Freeman does as well.


Gary Sinise and Tom Skerritt come to mind right away. Both are quite talented and I don’t think they’ll cost you $20 million a picture.

If you pay an actor how much extra they will bring in on the first weekend by name alone, you’ll usually come out ahead. Samuel Jackson doesn’t put people in the seats. Jim Carrey in a comedy does.