What actor has fallen the furthest since their Oscar?


Green Bean is a female.


ok, Miss Green Bean then.

While we’re nitpicking, somebody did mention the '95 thing. :wink:

Peter Finch never made another film after winning Best Actor in 1977 :frowning:

What’s it with Cuba Gooding and boats? Anyway, he should have won Oscar for Best Hairpiece for that stunning Four Tops Afro in Men of Honor. Cool name too, although the “Jnr” is overkill, in my opinion.

Lots of blacks being nominated. Do they get crappy parts, or do they get easy Oscars? There’s one to get you thinking…

Being dead does slow down most careers.

Unless you’re a Chicago voter.

Just to confirm the thread’s speculation on this subject, Foxx had long put Stealth in the can and was shooting Jarhead when he acquired the little bald golden dude. Had a day off from the set and came back the next day to congratulations and good-natured ribbing from his co-stars.

And, rumors to the contrary, the producers of Stealth did not hold any of his family members hostage to ensure he’d return to the set.

Mira Sorvino?

What about Louise Fletcher, the actress who was Nurse Ratched in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest? She won a Best Actress Oscar and then… well, she’s been in a lot of stuff, but as to whether it’s any good… :o She actually deserved that Oscar, too.

She’s fallen so far that there are rumours that she has died.

Lots? We’ve had four so far that I’ve counted - Cuba Gooding, Louis Gossett, Halle Berry and Jamie Foxx. You can hardly call that a disproportionate number of careers that have gone south, especially considering that three of these have been in the last 10 or so years, let alone draw inferences about colour and “easy” Oscars: there may have been undeserved Oscars {hello, Halle}, but that’s hardly a phenomenon confined to black actors.

I was thinking along the lines of Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin. (and damn, HE should have gotton the Oscar for that performance).

Did you notice both your names are palidromes? Maybe that has something to do with it.

Joe Pesci.

No movies since 1998, and his last good movie was Casino in 1995. If it weren’t for Scorsese, I don’t think he’d have any good movies.

Ben Kingsley has bounced a bit between good and bad roles, but can Gandhi ever truly make up for his contributions to What Planet Are You From? and Species?

(And for those who might defend Species for prurient reasons - try watching an edited-for-TV version of it all the way through, and then tell me it’s a good movie.)

Cuba was a one-hit wonder. For a real fall, try Elizabeth Taylor. She peaked in 1967, winning her 2nd Bald Guy for “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” (1966) and had a couple of nice films released that year. But then Big NaDa. From one of the great actresses of the time to a joke (and then Michael Jackson apologist).

I love Liz, but she could never act her way out of a damp Kleenex, even in her salad days. I think even she herself would be the first to admit she was always a “beauty” and a “personality,” but never really a great actress.

Tatum O’Neill. Peaked the youngest and fell the fastest.

Yes, but Cuba did get a lot of nominations. I still maintain they have the coolest names, though. Even a potentially boring one like Jamie Fox is transformed by doubling the x. Now that’s what I call style.