I just saw one of those slick ads for Saudi Arabia-“partners Against Terrorism”-what a slogan! Do they think they actually will convince us?
My take: the royal family (House of Saud) is getting desperate-they are realizing that the American public realizes just who funded the 9/11 massacres at the WTC…and this is driving them to present a nicer image to the wporld…only how do you do effective PR for a medieval-style kingdom?
Anyway…are welikely to see MORE of this dreck?
Somebodt tell me which PR firm is responsible-I want to give them a pieceof my mind!;j
I’ve seen the ads you are talking about, and I really don’t see what you are finding so objectionable about them. As the ads mention, most Saudis are just regular human beings who want to live their normal lives in peace and quiet. I see the ads as an attempt to improve Saudi PR in the U.S., true, but in the sense that too many Saudis and other Muslims are the recipients of undeserved vitriol on the part of Americans who think that all Saudis are evil and are trying to wipe the U.S. off the face of the Earth.
And no, I don’t know who the ad agency is.
And I’m an American Jew who has nothing in particular against the Saudi people at large.
Qorvis Communications is behind the ads. In fact, three top Qorvis executives resigned in protest of the company taking the Kingdom as a client.
There’s a scene in one of the ads that puzzles me. A man and a woman are in an office looking at a computer monitor. The woman is wearing a headscarf and modest clothing, but her face is still visible. There’s nothing to indicate they are related to each other. Is it true that men and women aren’t allowed in close proximity to each other if they aren’t related to each other?
I see there is a new, somewhat related General Question on the table, so I’ll leave this thread open.
The original General Question is asked and answered (I assume – factual corrections are always welcome). Persons wishing to discuss this non-factually will find a thread in GD to their liking.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Men and women are allowed to be in close proximity. Physical contact is not allowed, IIRC.
what networks are they playing on?