What an amazing dog!

This may have already made the rounds here, but my search for “Skidboot” came back with a big goose egg.

9 minute Google video of a Texas Country Reporter segment.

The first minute or so is just a tedious reiteration of the cowboy work ethic. :o

But the dog is amazing. :slight_smile:

That’s one of the nicest vids I’ve seen in quite a while. Thanks, ComeToTheDarkSideWeHaveCookies. :slight_smile:

Wow. :slight_smile:

I think I’ve got a little something in my eye…

I know! I got all weepy. I blame the soundtrack. I thought for sure they were setting us up for some lethal degenerative disease there for a minute. Not that blindness isn’t very sad…

It was actually on Google Video’s top 100, which is not where I’d expect to find it. That was just the first in a series of suprises.

Did that cowboy just openly admit on TV that he thinks of his dog as his child?? :eek:

Did that Texas Country journalist just make a dismissive comment about people who don’t think that animals are cognitive beings??? :eek: :eek:

Maybe there’s hope for Texas after all. :smiley:

Great vid. I saw Skipboot on some TV show 7 years ago and I’ve been able to teach our Border Collie Maggie 80% of those tricks. Strangely, one of the only ones she hasn’t caught on to is “back up”. She likes it so much that if we’re just playing fetch and she gets bored, she’ll stop halfway to the ball and look back at me, waiting for me to give her a command.

One of my dad’s surveyors breed Blue Heelers (which I think is what Skipboot is) and I plan on getting one soon. They are smart dogs. He used to bring the dogs into the office with him but had to stop because if someone was a little rude to him the dog would go out to the parking lot and bite through their tires.

and I’m sniffling a bit too. I’m such a sucker.

That dog is awesome!
I think he is an Australian Cattle dog.

I think it’s the same breed

Yeah, when they mentioned that part about Skidboot’s “decade in the spotlight” and then the piano started in, I thought they were going to mention that he passed away! I’m glad they didn’t.

I was amused by the fact that Mario Lopez (AC Slater from Saved By The Bell) was in the video.