What an innovative approach to customer service.

I had some work done on the house recently, and when the bill came, it was for about $75 more than the quote. So I called to find out why there was a difference. The helpful customer service agent told me that they were not obligated to disclose the components of the bill.

I asked her to repeat that. Then repeat it again. I understood what each of the words meant, but strung together, they made no sense. After all, if you want me to “disclose” the extra $75, you might want to tell me what I’m paying for.

Fortunately, they’re “investigating” why there’s a discrepancy between the amount I agreed to pay and the amount they’re seeking. Perhaps when they call with the answer, we will also discuss their customer service policy.

“Hey Joe, my cat made a trip to the vet the other day. Can we stick that on this guy’s bill?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”

You think I’m kidding. With a policy like that, I seriously expect shit like this to happen.

Well, are you obligated to explain why your check is made out for less than the component amount they are not obligated to disclose?

And can I be in the court room when you take this to small claims? Please?

Good on ya!

I’m surprised it wasn’t itemized on the bill. And I’m glad you’re following up on it. You ought to demand to know what you’re paying for.

There’s nothing worse than a shift contractor. They give all of us bad names.

It’s called “enumeration of costs and expenses” people.

. . . make that a shifty contractor.

I agree - tell them that since they won’t disclose what they are charging you for, you simply won’t pay. They can put that in their pipe and smoke it.