On a few major league backstop I’ve seen things like “No pepper games” and the like. What are they? THanks
I always thought it was warming up the batter by quickly tossing balls up in the air and the batter hits the balls against the fence. It ruins the hell out of the fence.
I’ve only seen it written on youth ball fields, though.
this is mostly speculation, but I remember that in several sports I played when younger, ‘pepper’ type games referred to any game that involved the skills and maybe some equipment (usually just the ball) but was not completely the game.
This would be something like hitting a volleyball up the air just to see how long you could keep it up; passing a soccer ball to specific people in order, while others try to defend; etc.
panama jack
No .sigs beyond this point.
This is from majorleaguebaseball.com website. In the FAQs, they explain common terms
I thought that Cecil answered this, but the archives were acting up on me.