Sorry moderators, I am not sure if this goes to the Cafe Society, or the Great Debates, so I just put it here.
Preface: Right now, there are no empirical evidence for psychic power, such as Telekinesis, ESP, mind-reading and the like. But suppose that one day it is established psychic powers are possible, what could be the likely scientific explanation? Or are there already something in the work?
For example, according to this article (warning: Christian content, but it is defending psionic powers in games and not the usual fundamentalist ranting), the author points out that as we becomes better educated, our mind is capable of performing feats that are impossible centuries ago. The example in the article is that of a particular person who is able to read without speaking aloud - and it is considered as a ‘feat’ back then.
Some of my ideas are as follow: have those been explored?
Savant theory: There are stories of idiot savants who are able to calculate prime numbers beyond what technology could and many other feats. Is it possible that by changing how one perceive information, we could achieve interpret existing information differently and obtain some sort of psychic powers?
Improved perception: For stuff like dowsing, psychometric and the such, is it possible that humans (through one way or others - maybe mutations or some chemical in the brain) be able to perceive the world like animals does? For example, there are dogs which could detect cancer because of their incredible sense of smell. Is it too far a stretch to say that perhaps a human being could develop ways have such a sense of smell or being able to see different spectrum of light and hence obtain some form of ‘psychic powers?’
Pheromones: There is this theory in Warhammer 40K that the Ethereal caste of the alien Tau race uses pheromones to manipulate others - is there any room in scientific thought for this? Could one be able to perceive pheromones and hence achieve some form of limited mind reading or empathy read?
Frankly, I can’t think of anything that could explain telekenesis or remote sensing. Perhaps quantum mechanics have some answer?
PS. This purely an intellectual exercise. Something like “are psychic-like powers be achievable through science and technology?”