Cecil’s column from 2006. There surely must be a whole ton of research since then. Has any consensus been reached? I’d love to read an update by Cecil on this one.
Note that the statement refers to CHRONIC usage, not recreational usage. Not a whole lot of damming evidence there to say the least. It is becoming increasingly clear as time goes by that the deleterious effects of alcohol are far greater than any marijuana may have.
There haven’t been as many studies done as you might think, due to it being a schedule 1 narcotic. Most researchers aren’t willing to touch it because of the chances of getting busted. About the only testing that has been done extensively has been to find out how addictive it is (not very, as it turns out).
This may change in states where it’s now legalish, but it’ll take a while to do a long-term test.
There will be no shortage of volunteers for that test study. I only know one person in her 40s who has used weed on a regular basis since she was a teen. She isn’t as sharp as she used to be, but she also has MS, so there is no way to know what causes her impairments. She isn’t markedly impaired unless you’re very observant. She has a full time career and raised a couple of kids on her own.
And I remember the stuff from the sixties – the stuff with the frankly incredible warnings. I understand now that the early warnings that dope would make you psychotic were obviously done with far higher doses than any of my friends or acquaintances were giving themselves in the 1970’s.
So we’ve gone from a situation then where the older research had been done with unreasonably large doses, to the situation now where the long term experience is with, by modern standards, quite small doses.
Which has to add to the uncertainty of the whole exercise.
The Master is right that smoking pot is bad for the lungs, although moderate smokers probably don’t need to worry about this as much as cigarette smokes … but it’s still a concern … otherwise The Bible is clear that marijuana is God’s gift to mankind … it’s clean in every way and humans are allowed to use it for whatever they can …
POT DOESN’T TURN PEOPLE INTO FROTHING MANIACS … Lord Almighty, how the hell can one froth with cotton mouth … yeesh …
I recall reading something about the effects on younger people (i.e. before 18) wrt development issues, but from memory they were approximately what they say about similar development issues with alcohol or tobacco on developing kids. I think the general consensus is something along these lines:
Definitely. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of data in that post. I was going to ask if it had been peer reviewed, but then just looking at it I could tell it would just be a silly question on my part, since clearly it had it all.