What are the "Ten Commandments" of other religions?

I don’t think there are any Satanists of the type you’re describing. Members of the Church of Satan and assorted similar groups don’t believe in a literal Satan of the Christian tradition, instead, Satan for them is a symbol of enlightened self-interest. They certainly wouldn’t see the ‘devil’ as having given them commands, and if he had, they wouldn’t feel particularly obligated to follow them unless they were pleasurable or profitable.

You do occasionally get the musicians who used to pretend to worship Satan because the public outrage was great publicity, but I suspect that all they really worshipped was money. And there were their teenaged fans, who probaly mainly wanted to irritate their parents.

I think the only Satanic commandment is something along the lines of “Do what you want,” like the Wiccans but without the clause discouraging harming others.

Then again, I’m a Christian myself, and haven’t fully researched the subject, so I could be wrong, and maybe a Satanist can come in and correct me.

Speaking of Wicca, I believe the creed is
Do what thou wilt, an it harm none
(sounding familiar, yet?)

I don’t know that I can truthfully call myself a Satanist, but I’ve researched their views, and am fairly sympathetic. What you’ve said is accurate.

The quote you allude to is from Crowley: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. I remember seeing an essay somewhere which established the context of this quote–the whole section it’s in ends up sounding not too dissimilar from norinew’s quotes (although the idea wasn’t exactly the same). I’ll dig a little and see what I can find.

Here, I found anessay in which Crowley explains that famous quote. His conclusion: “Love is the law, love under will.”

And here is the original context of the quote (at the very bottom of the page).