What are we to do with these insects we refer to as Republicans?

Climate change, which the Republican party has permitted to go unchecked in the name of short-term corporate profits, however, is.

Folks left of center don’t use fossil fuels?

85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump

I defer to your expertise on strawman, fantasy liberals.

Back on topic: one of the main instigators of the current situation is the monster that is the right-wing propaganda machine - not just broadcast media like FoxNews and Sinclair but the social media manipulators (who always seem to have a ready supply of false pro-right or anti-left memes ready to roll on any topic). It’s been working away for decades now, and it’s the main reason the country is so fundamentally divided.

When every information source you frequent is telling you 24/7 that liberals are all evil, deluded America-haters who want open borders so they can give free money to illegals in return for voter fraud, and who are persecuting decent hard-working God-fearing Americans JUST LIKE YOU, that poison will eventually seep its way into the way you see the world. When they tell you over and over again that “they” are coming for your guns, your jobs, your money, your children, your Bibles, and everything you hold dear, your natural reaction will be to circle the wagons with the rest of your tribe and attack anything that might threaten your group from outside - and if a few members of your tribe bend the rules every now and then, at least they’re helping defend you against the barbarian hordes ranked against you (the last bastion of decency).

I don’t have an answer to any of that, of course. It’s always easier (and more profitable) to spread lies, and the alternative is a draconian purge that could ultimately be worse than the problem it is attempting to solve. But it’s the reason that a demographic that was once genuinely devout and respectable (at least to the right sort of people) now sees a lying, philandering fraudster with a penchant for firing off incoherent insults on a regular basis as a good selfless Christian.

Impeach the conman and criminal that is their current leader, vote their extremist downticket representatives out of office, and most of all, modify the system to better prevent gerrymandering.

Nope. Not a remotely comparable situation, and disenfranchisement of a significant percentage of the voting public is no sensible answer… However…

You know perfectly well that these are far from the only issues with the Cult of Trump. If you feel you must exaggerate to service your point, please be a little less obvious about it.

This, but let the Pubs remain as a far-right (T)rump. France has somehow managed to muddle through for decades despite the existence of the Front Nationale, and I see no reason we can’t as well.

It is amazing. We have a guy in office who should be the most easily defeated candidate in a re-election campaign ever, and some of you have found the one sure-fire way to put that in doubt: helping him with an us-vs-them narrative that will help a lot of people ignore the things that matter.
Never mind that by talking about any issue in this way (us good, they evil - start the tribunals) you are destroying the fabric of American society, and making civilized political discourse increasingly impossible. Cue the chorus of:”not us, it’s them! They did it first, worse!” Which may well be true, but ignores the fact that the only behavior you can control is your own. Polarization, the destruction of the position in the middle, is inherently a bad thing. The notion that compromise, insufficient zeal, and anything but the most extreme position is weak, unworthy or even evil is the space that should be reserved for teenagers and the mentally unhinged. It is no way to (try to) run a country.

But now that the party you identify with is led by, and full of, conspiracy-nut fuck-jobs, the ultra-religious, and white supremacy hate groups… aren’t you finally relieved to be the fuckstain you always knew you could be to the world at large?

I know most in the GOP are. Look at 'em go!

Does the hand you use to JAQ off ever get tired? Or do you switch off? Probably a better idea to switch off, you don’t want one big beefy muscular arm and one wimpy arm.

Referring to a significant number of fellow citizens as insects is not a useful answer to that question.
ETA: and what Isosleepy said.

Just to be clear, is it the elected Republican officials and the RNC that are insects, and people who vote for them are idiots? Or is it the group of people who identify as Republicans (politicians and voters both) who are insects?

And crawling on the planet’s face
Some insects called the human race
Lost in time and lost in space and meaning

<ponders username/post combo>

You need professional help. Urgently.

Being an insect has its advantages. 6 limbs and more of a nervous system than the NPCs of the left.

Non-Player Characters?

I don’t find the use of the term “insects” particularly constructive, but the last line of asahi’s post is becoming increasingly true. The current party appears to be entirely focused on “hurting the right people”, no matter what the wider cost.

The only reasonable response to the OP should be to note that they are a crazy person. Anything different would be like responding to a Nazi’s hatred of Jews by saying, “yeah, some of them are kinda bad”. Unfortunately that’s many of the responses so far.

It’s insects all the way down.

Read his quote entirely…

The point was that old-school conservatism in the vein of say… Dwight Eisenhower, or Prescott Bush- i.e. pre-Dixiecrat migration and Southern Strategy IS a valid oppositional viewpoint. And even after all that, it was more odious, but not insane until about 15-20 years ago, with the rise of the internet echo chambers, talk radio and the like that allowed fellow nut-bags to band together and start demanding changes.

That’s when the extreme right fringes of the party took it by the balls and started doing the batshit insane stuff and started really introducing the hyper-adversarial, neo-fascist and bigoted stuff.

I don’t think this is true anymore.

We had a thread a few weeks back asking what conservative political values were. And we got conservatives posting that this was just another liberal attack thread. But the thing I noticed is that none of them could articulate a conservative political value; at least nothing that wasn’t a general political value that everyone shared.

Serious question here: If Trump-loving Republicans (which is just about all of them) honestly believe the above – and I think they do – why do they believe it? What do they think is the advantage to liberals for giving free money to immigrants in return for voter fraud? Yeah, if true that would help the liberals get and retain power, but to what end? Why do they think we want their deadend jobs, their nonexistent money, their uneducated children, the religious book they love without ever really understanding its basic message? What do they think the liberal endgame is?

(You’ll note I didn’t mention wanting their guns. If the only way to minimize the number of idiots who shoot up shopping malls and schools and places of worship is to take away their guns, then I think we should just take them away.)

What about “Having conservative judges so my guns don’t get taken away”?