What are you babbling about?

You’ve been tested.

This is a terrible piece of moderation.

DrDeth is fond of using the phrase. He has used it a number of times in the past without penalty.

Now we have recently seen someone get a Warning for using the exact same phrase. Many people have questioned why it was even a Warnable action in the first place. And no answer has been forthcoming.

It is perfectly reasonable for him to ask if he needs to stop saying those words. This is not minutiae, and the question is far from needless.

Any mods willing to actually answer the question?

I think they’re willing but not available right now.

How to make babbly?

This is just a first test post. Ignore

What are they busy doing? More than baseline real world lives that is.

You think the mods are debugging our new home’s software maybe?

And I was fond of the term wypipo, and used it a bit. Then they made me stop. Wow, imagine that - the mod’s tolerance for abrasive shit-talk changed. What a world!

That IS the question isn’t it?

Has the mod tolerance for that commonly used, mostly felt to be benign, phrase changed? Is it now considered “abrasive shit-talk”? Or is it only such sporadically, with context being nothing more than momentary moderator whims, selectively applied to a poster that the mod would like gone, but safe for the rest of us to use without note let alone warning.

Use it in GQ or the QZ and see…

Be sure to flag your post so Colibri sees it

“What the fuck are you talking about?” has been used in QZ without comment. Admitted (and reported) threadshitting has been used there without comment.

But sure, next time I experience someone in QZ indeed babbling, responding not even tangentially ti the discussion in progress, with clear intent to threadshit, I will intentionally use the phrase and report myself as an experiment, given that we cannot otherwise get a straightforward response to the question. If that is what it takes.

Out of curiosity - when told to stop were you warned right off for wypipo or given a note or just guidance?

And both used and reported on myself in the Sweden thread. I’ll take a warning to get the clarity if that is what it takes.

Oh. On search I had forgotten I had started an ATMB to clarify wypipo! You were warned but as a part of a group of insults and getting clarity on that phrase was also hard!

Things we need to do get simple things answered.

Yes warnable.

Yea! An answer!

Wow, who would’ve thought the mods were busy a few days after moving to a completely new board?

What are they busy doing? More than baseline real world lives that is.

well, I edited this after realizing what forum I was in

what are you babbling about?

Does it have to be about something?

What is your understanding of what is within the moderator job description that increases with the change of venue?

To my understanding nothing. If I am missing something I am open to being corrected.

Nothing’s changed in their job description. However, right now they’re dealing with a new system, users who don’t understand it, and users that can’t get in. It’s not the time to be demanding immediate answers.

I’m a little confused between thread notifications and PMs. They look the same! :smiley:

Colibri had already answered this in this thread. You just didn’t believe him. This has nothing to do with the mods’ response times, and everything to do with you trying to count coup on the mods on something that didn’t need proving. You weren’t being some kind of heroic martyr, you were being exactly what you were modded for.

You did realise my post and challenge was rhetorical, right? I already knew what the answer was going to be. Because Colibri told us what it would be. So that little charade was both unneccessary and yet, simultaneously, hilarious…

“Don’t poke that dog. It will bite!”

(DSeid pokes the dog. It bites him.)

“I have martyred myself for the sake of knowledge, but now at least I’ve got clarification.”
