What are you babbling about?

He really didn’t.

Sorry, I apologize, I misspoke. I mean he already answered this in the parent thread about CarnalK’s banning. I forgot this was spun off as a new one after that was closed.

I know what you meant. He did not give an answer in the earlier thread, he dodged the question.

Currently babbling about aliens lol

You consider that warning being “martyred”?? A dog bite? It isn’t even a growl. It is information and nothing more. Honestly I don’t remember if I’ve even had a single other warning in all my years here. There is no harm and no pain, no risk of any sort, to me from getting a warning. Don’t be silly.

The answer from the moderators is what has already been said. Context matters.

One other important note here. We moderators answer to our admin. While we generally try to be pretty open about how we do things, that does not meant that regular users have the right to demand anything from us. If you have a question about something, we will try to answer it. If the answer isn’t what you would like to hear, or you somehow feel that the answer does not satisfy your inquiry, you do not have the right to demand that we answer your question in the manner that you see fit.

And so, with that, this is closed.