What are you giving up for Lent?

Well, I hate cleaning out that little screen in the dryer, so I’ll be air-drying my laundry in the back yard. Yes, I’m giving up lint for Lent.


Maybe a better thing would be for you all to give up mocking other peoples’ beliefs.


Well, I’m not Catholic or even Christian, for that matter. I teach across the hall from a very devout lady, and she was worried about giving up something for lent. She wanted to give up potato chips, but didn’t think she could do it. I offered to give them up for 40 days, too, to give her some support. I think it will be an interesting exercise in willpower, but, as it’s not hurting* anyone, I don’t think it’s really all that big of a deal for me to participate, too.

*meaning that it’s not hurting anyone for me and my coworker to give up potato chips.

Or paradoxes.

I do believe (sorry, no cite, so I may be wrong) that originally the thing you gave up for Lent was supposed to be permanently given up. Even I’m not that masochistic, though. :wink:

Myself? I’ll actually put in an honest response: I’m fasting for the 40 days. No, I’m not going to stop eating for 40 days; I’m having one regular meal and two small (not smaller, small) meals per day.

Gah, I hate Fish Fry Fridays. I hate fish!

zweisamkeit - I eat fish in a spirit of penance. Really. I hate fish, too.


I’m not exactly sure WHAT I can give up. I don’t eat sugar, caffeine, or meat as it is.

I have a feeling I’ll be giving up alcohol. sob.


Iced tea. It is going to be hell since it is the only thing that I drink besides water.
…Only 39 days left to go.

I don’t understand why so many people feel the need to openly mock the custom of Lent.

I’m not Catholic, or even Christian – I’m Pagan. I’ve given up red meat for a lunar month before (a big thing for me, I ate a lot of it) as part of a solstice observance. It’s not about self-flagellation or self-righteousness. It’s about conviction, belief, and reevaluation of the importance things have in your life. If you think it’s just an archaic pile of crap, then don’t participate. Yeesh.

OK…I was trying to figure out what I could ‘give-up’, and seeing as LINT has already been baggsed by Cervaise, I’m going to try to relinquish MOCKING. It’ll be damned hard I tell ya, but I’ll be a better person at the end.


Faberge Eggs.


I’m giving up hope for Lent.

And the President of the United States is helping me.

No fair Bosda, you took mine! Oh, that’s ok, I heard that one on the radio this morning.

I find it interesting that the religious appear to be more tolerant than the atheists. I even found that to be true when I was an atheist. And what ever happened to the “i before e rule”?

I’m protestant and never gave anything up for Lent. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I discovered that many protestants do. I think it would be a good exercise. I’ve given up weekday abstinence, but that was based on a Scientific American article on the health benefits of moderate amounts of alcohol, so I don’t think it counts.

We should give up sin for lent, then when Easter comes we can all get back to sinning with new and improved vigor.

Cheers, Bippy