What are you going to be for Halloween?

Friend of mine with no time and no money once came to a party decorated in a tight little mustache she had daubed on with eyebrow pencil, and red lipstick spots she had painted all over her cheeks. When we said “What are you?” she said, “I’m the German measles.”

The Mr. & I are going as Jack & Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.

I got some white fleece, cut out fluffy-looking shapes and sewed them all over a blue hoodie sweatshirt. I’ll also wear bluejeans and sneakers. I’m going to carry around a squirt bottle and randomly spray people (people who have a sense of humor and a costume that won’t be damaged by a little mist).

(In other words, I’m partly cloudy with a chance of showers)

What about flag diapers?

“I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.” :smiley:

Darn, I guess I won’t be the only sexy gangster, then. I bought a pinstripe suit for work this year and I’m going to wear it to my friend’s Halloween party with red stilettos and a red bra, plus that classic gangster hat.

Hey, can anyone lend me a 1920’s Style Death Ray for the occasion? I promise I’ll bring it back in good condition! :smiley:

A phoenix. I’ve made a bird head mask, and I’m getting an orange choli (Indian belly top) and finishing my red sequined dance skirt. I’ll get a bit more orange-and-yellow fabric and do fire-y bits hanging off the skirit and top. I may even do wings if I have time.

Wow, that sounds fantastic, Lissla.

I have made abortive attempts at several different costumes, and will probably settle on being a crow, as I’ve found a fun mask that works well. I’ll top it off with a big black cloak, and maybe wear sexy black gear underneath. The confusing part will be justifying why I’m a sexy crow. I just… am.

Groucho Marx. I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in years, but I’m still surprised I didn’t think of it soner. I still need to figure out where to find some greasepaint, though (shouldn’t be tough to find a cheap cigar).

That would be “skirt”, not “skirit”, whatever the hell that is.

Thanks, Cadbury. I love Hallowe’een. I have to wear something different to work, because I don’t think my manager would be cool with the belly top, so I’m wearing an 18th century red and silver ballgown. I should get makeup for that. I want to do the 18th century white-face-pink-cheeks makeup look. Maybe a beauty spot, too.

I am going to be a Witch - a combination pretty witch ala-Samantha from Bewitched, and a Harry Potter Witch, not a Hag Witch. I have a Cape and a Witch Hat, I’ll wear Make-up (don’t normally have time to put on) and Civilian clothes underneath, and either a Cat or Fox Mask. I just have to find a Wand.

I’m a guy and I’m going as Uma Thurman from the movie “Kill Bill”

So far I’ve got a matching ugly yellow sweatshirt and sweatpants. Black stripes will be made with electrical tape I will hot-glue on. I have a blonde wig that is about the right length, and I bought a cheap UN-sharpened samurai sword off eBay for about $25 (best not to stab/ cut people at the party)

I’m very cheap, so I am most likely going to go in SCA garb- black boots and pants, white undertunic, black overtunic, black belt w/ daggers, puch, and sword (all real). Probably throw on my heavy forest green cloak over it all.

I had originally thought to do full armor, but I have to wear the costume to work, and wearing boiled leather and steel for 9-10 hours straight is a bit much, even for me.

I’m thinking of going as Storm…
But my experience with contact lenses has not been good so far, so, I’m not sure if I can do it.

I’ve already got the pixie-ish haircut, so I will probably be an elf/faerie :slight_smile: Marley23 and I will make quite the odd-looking pair. :wink:

…As if we don’t already. :wink:

Last year I went as Bunny Berigan, and the year before I was Bix Beiderbecke…meaning I was a jazz cornet player in 1930s clothes, and a jazz cornet player in 1920s clothes. Unfortunately, I’m a pretty foul cornet player.

This year I’m taking my flute out with me. I can’t decide whether to go as Tamino, or Pan, or Jeremy Steig.

Any other suggestions for Guy With A Flute costumes?

Ian Anderson?


I need help with this one, and maybe it’s in poor taste, but my wife and I are going as: a wife beater and a battered wife.

I am thinking of making some of those electric mixer beaters out of cardboard and attach those somehow, and she’s going to be covered in bisquick boxes… Still working out the details though… Anyone have suggestions?

I’m still looking for ideas. So far my favorite costume to date has been the 6’2" beautiful gay boys cross dressed as hooter’s waitresses. However, since I’m not drawn like that it wouldn’t be a very funny costume on me.

The chick in a sparkly red dress with red horns & triton is so overdone. I wish that costume idea would take a one way trip to the bottom of the sea. (sorry kfl)

One idea I would like to see is someone dressed as a wooden horse with Matrix like characters printed all over the horse, and a trap door that opened at the front. Inside You’d have a guy or gal with a pocket protector & slide rule who would open the trap door and hand out little baggies of Jalapeno flavored Jelly Bellies.

Beware of Geeks bearing gifts.

man, I would love that.

I also loved the guy in the big pointy hat dressed as a Purple Crayola Crayon. I think the body of the costume was that foam stuff that he’d stapled into a cylinder and cut arm holes & such.

mrbuddylee How about getting some wire coat hangers and making a hat that is kind of like a chef’s hat, but really, it’s a whisk. You could use a similar approach to the crayon idea for the body/whisk handle. You could staple the biscuit boxes all over a cheap apron or housecoat for your wife, and get her a wig, and dust her all over with flour.