What are you shamefully bad at?

  • Doing anything before I have to
  • Painting the nails on my right hand
  • Leaving messages on answering machines
  • Surviving without sleep
  • Writing interesting letters
  • Programming a VCR
  • Remembering to capitalize at the beginning of sentences
  • Carrying an ice cure tray full of water without spilling it

And you?

Stupid ice CUBES.


Being humble.

~~Billiards…not enough practice I think…

If it’s any comfort, I’m a lousy pool player, too. I’m lucky if I manage not to damage the felt.

I’m also probably the world’s worst drinker. One beer is often enough to make me pretty klutzy and generally incompetent, if I’m still awake by the time the beer is finished.

I’m very bad at paying attention to boring things. This is a serious detriment to my school performance sometimes. Yet I always seem to muddle through, somehow.


Nope, too easy.


programming my cell phone
Billiards (And I do practise! I do!)
calling my family regularly
working instead of surfing the net
toilet seat

There’s more, but I’m getting depressed…

Basketball. I can learn and be fairly good quickly at any other sport but basketball kills me. I’ve practiced like a mo-fo but I just can’t get it.

  1. Baking – I once made a two layer cake, from a box, that ended up the thickness of about one layer.

  2. Singing – I only do it in my car when I’m alone and the radio is REALLY loud.

  3. Walking – I fall down and go boom a lot, especially lately and always in front of a lot of people.

Comforting people.
Writing interesting letters.
Talking to strangers.
Painting my fingernails.
Sewing by hand.
Doing anything before the last possible minute.
Riding the mechanical bull.
Going to the doctor’s office.
Running without looking like a fool.
Avoiding run-on sentences.
Being sexy on purpose.
Feeling good about myself.

I really suck at answering machine messages, too. The dumbest things just come out of my mouth. I’m not like that in person, but the phone makes a mockery of me.

Also, I simply cannot sing. I am tone-deaf. I have no concept of what notes sound like. I just sing the words, and raise my voice when the singer’s voice goes up and lower it when need be. It all sounds the same to me, even when I try to hear differences. I usually manage to harmonize, which makes me damn happy when I’m alone.

Yup, I’ve been treated like some sort of circus freak because I can’t sing. You’d think I was a leper with oozing sores and a lazy eye, the way some people treat me when I sing. People have asked me to please, please never do that again. :slight_smile:


No motivation unless company’s coming over. With two kids, it’s just more trouble than it’s worth sometimes.

I tend to ignore the hair that grows on my ear lobes until someone notices and says yuk. Then I keep them tidy and check every couple of days for a couple of week - nothing is growing- then forget again.

RPGs, like Final Fantasy, etc. To say that I suck at them would be an understatement. I can’t ever get my sorry ass off the first mission or whatever the hell you call it. My brother laughs at me when I try.

Bowling. I actually once bowled a 23!

Mingling and/or schmoozing. I can do it, but I feel so horribly stiff I usually end up wanting the floor to open up and swallow me and the drink I’m clutching.

[li] Being on time for anything.[/li]
[li] Not shredding my cuticles.[/li]
[li] Anything vaguely arithmatical or mathematical.[/li]
[li] Cooking.[/li]
[li] Any sport except badminton.[/li]
[li] Going to church regularly.[/li]
[li] Stopping after three drinks.[/li]
[li] Sewing, knitting, embroidery.[/li]
Parallel parking.

I too suck at billiards. This is why I wear a low-cut, skimpy tank top when I play. That way everyone else plays poorly too. :smiley:

Math. I have to use it everyday but I still suck at it. I think that is because I don’t have a genuine love for it. I’m intrigued by math because, in the right hands, it can describe some amazing stuff. In mine, I feel like the ape-man in 2001.

Any sport. Oh, I will participate, but just don’t pick me for your team.

DIY, Somehow tools become deadly weapons in my hands (unfortunatly, deadly to myself).

Getting to bed on time


Small talk
Returning phone calls
Remembering anything

I’m sure there’s more, I’ve just forgotten them.

This seemed like a good place to make my first Dope post stands, looking nervous Hello, I’m Twilight and I am a Doper.

So, of course y’all noticed I am shamefully bad at coming up with innovative jokes.

Secondly I am shamefully bad at keeping my mouth shut.

Lastly… Yeah, like there’s only three things I’m shamefully bad at.

See you all around!

Getting things done. Or, if you prefer, I’m the queen of procrastination.