What can I do to avoid looking old

I’m about to turn 27 and I’m starting to realize I’m closer to 40 than I was to 13. Sooooooooooo what can I do to avoid being one of those 40-50 year olds who looks like a 40-50 year old? If possible I’d like to maintain the body and face of someone in his mid 30s for the next 25 years, I have met several people who maintain the appearance of being in their early 30s even in their mid/late 40s. For some reason I’m uncomfortable making this post and I don’t know why.

Start working out. I sware, if you’re the guy that’s gonna look creepy and keep hanging out around the hot chicks at the bar, I just may kill you.

Seriously, the weight room does wonders for the aging process. Get in shape, and stay in shape. Don’t smoke and drink only in moderation.

that’ll be $149.99 for the advice…ahem*

Die Young. :smiley:
Seriously, I think it’s pretty much a matter of genetics. Penn & Teller did a show about this; a lot of the anti aging stuff is so much hokum.

If you come from a family that remains young looking, you’ll be young looking.
Otherwise, basic advice: eat decently, sleep regularly, don’t over-tan, exercise, good grooming…

… and age as you will, but with grace and humor.

How about wearing sunscreen? I’ve noticed a lot of middle-aged and older people have sun damage on the backs of the hands and other exposed areas. I try to remember to apply sunscreen before the stepping out the door every day.

Plastic surgery and botox.

Hey, you asked.

Stay out of the sun.
Don’t smoke.
Eat healthy and drink lots of water.
Use a moisturizer on your face every day (Oil of Olay is good and it comes in unscented if you don’t want to smell like a girl).

Correct. I’m one of those lucky ones who looks like 29 at 39. I’ve done nothing special; it’s just genetics. Aging goes in unpredictable spells; sometimes you stay more or less the same for a decade, then in three years you catch up.

In regard to your question, there’s some good advice here. Grooming and clothes can make a 60-70 % difference as well. That goes double with men, because in general men pay far too little attention to their looks. The can spend hours getting the part in their hair right (when hairdo’s with parts for men have been out of fashion for the last 20 years) of obsessing over whetether their belly is muscled or not. And then they go out in clothes that would make most women shudder. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, you’re silly asking that question. You’re 27 ?!? Get off my lawn!

So whydja link to a woman’s makeover page when you are complaining about incompetent men’s makeovers? :slight_smile: Being one of the clueless regarding this subject and men, I’m really curious what I’m doing “wrong”.

Two factors:

one, genetics, which you can’t do anything about.

two, take good general care of your health. A huge gut makes you look about 10 years older than a bald spot, I swear. Or at least about 1000 years grosser to most people’s tastes.

Hey **Sunspace! ** Well, [here](http://www.focusonstyle.com/mensmetrosexualmakeover.htm#top 10) are some basic tips. But really, they’re all over the net if you google for worlds like men, makeover, style, etc. The easiest way would be to go to a store when it’s not too crowded and have a saleslady advice you. Or bring a female friend along and have her and the sales-lady have a field day in making you all purrty. :slight_smile: Really, if theres one thing most women like, it’s doing makeovers on men.

And here are more make-over before- and after pics, from an Oprah-show.

Be sure you’ve picked the proper parents. Genetics plays a part is how well one ages.
I’ll be 60 next month and I still have very few wrinkles, I wash my face with soap and water and never moisturize, and I’ve suntanned since I was 10.

Aside from what everyone is saying about genetics, here are some things that might help:

  • eat healthy
  • get sufficient sleep
  • moderate exercise
  • don’t smoke
  • don’t do other drugs (unless medically necessary)
  • drink alcohol in moderation or less
  • protect your skin from the sun

If that doesn’t help, a consultation with a plastic surgeon might help, but that’s the last step, not the first.

[mild hijack] Having met picunurse in person, I have to say the news that she is about to turn 60 is shocking to me - I had no idea! I’m no good at guessing ages, to be sure, but I can tell you one thing - I would never in a million years have guessed anywhere near the “60” range! Nice choice of parents, picunurse! [/hijack]

The only way to stop aging is to die.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize :slight_smile:

And sunscreen!

(and lots of other suggestions on here that are great - sleep, exercise, healthy diet)

Is there something specific that you think is making you look older? (say, you’ve already got some crow’s feet or furrow lines)? If you have those, you might want to consider seeing a dermatologist who does aesthetic work. The new products and procedures can work wonders, and some of them work better on mild-to-moderate cases …

Because you know it makes you sound like your values are really screwed up, perhaps?

There’s not a goddamn thing wrong with looking your age. I’m 51, I look 51, and 51 is a great way to look. I continue to be attracted to men my age, because I’m not a perv – Richard Gere is way hotter with gray hair than he was 25 years ago. When I read personal ads and the guy says “I look way younger than my age,” I skip to the next ad. Seriously.

Keep your hair LONG, for god’s sake. Older people always have shorter and shorter hair.
Don’t pluck gray hairs (they don’t always grow back) but clip them at the root. When you have too much gray to do that, start to dye. Use men’s “beard and facial hair” dye, which is a gel you can dab just at the temples.

Throw away any clothes over 5 years old, even favorites (unless knitted for you special).
This summer, go to Old Navy and buy something in Madras plaid.

Bathe in the blood of your enemies. It’s worked for me. I don’t look a day over 624.

If you get the right painting of yourself, it will do the aging for you while you remain youthful and young. I can’t remember how it will end, though. How bad could it be?