What can I do with my old stuffed animals?


But just such a “No!”

Don’t you know they don’t become real until all their fur is worn off?


I have about 8-10 stuffed animals around the house. A few of them were given to me by my partner or my ex. I intend to keep them as long as I live.

Hey Panache45,

You might want to get back to your TMI/I might die a horrible death thread and let folks know your okay…some folks back there are worried about you…

sorry for the slight hijack here.

When confronted with life’s dilemmas, I like to ask my “WWFD?” - “What would Flea do?”

And the answer, when the subject is stuffed animals, is “He would make them into pants and wear them on stage” cite cite cite

Lately, I’ve been a big fan of donating time and goods to a church in a local poor area. They have a real good feel for who they have in their community…who needs what…etc.
They are very grateful, and you get to make a direct impact on someone’s life.

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Yeah…I’m an atheist. At one point in my life, I wouldn’t think of donating to a church…but I’ve come to the conclusion that I shouldn’t let people suffer when I can help, just because I don’t agree with some of their beliefs. Many church organizations do good work for their target market, and that’s good enough for me. I mention this just in case you normally wouldn’t donate to a religious based charity.
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You only have 10? geeze my family was cruel to me haha. I had trash bags full of stuffed animals and cabbage patched kids to get rid of. I kept the ones I didn’t have the heart to get rid of (so about 4) and gave away the rest other kids and younger kids in the family and such. And a lot of them were just plain trash. But if you don’t have that option do donate them mine were in great shape and giving them out in a informal manner would be fine. (The Santa idea I saw above or something like it) Bring them to a food pantry or even the salvation army and ask them to give them away. Even a children’s hospital.

I keep a big plastic tub of them in the top of my closet; I don’t have kids, but I have a nephew, and many of my friends have kids, so they come in handy now and again.

A garage sale or the trash. Say bye bye to them a let go. It has to be done at some point.

That’s what we did with my daughters teddy bears, one by one we dished them out to the terrier. :smiley:


What? :slight_smile: