In a few weeks, my husband is taking the kids camping. This is the first time in 11 years that I will have a weekend all by myself. I am overwhelmed, I don’t know what to do with my time.
A friend invited me to go to the city with her, but it’s a good two hour drive and I don’t want to spend the whole time in the car and be too tired to do anything else. My friends that live nearby all have other plans.
I would love to stay in a nice hotel for the two days, but I have limited funds right now.
I go for the little things. When Wifecat & Kidcat are gone for the weekend I rent all the movies that she won’t watch with me: ActionfightincarchaseBOOM! types along with anime, stoopid American comedies and the occasional porno.
I play video games.
I go to my favorite restaurant.
I cook my favorite un-healthy food.
I listen to Linkin Park REALLY loud.
I sleep in.
Y’see, I enjoy being alone and with the baby I don’t get much of that type of time. So I relish in the fact that I’m alone and go with my whims. No need to compromise, no need to ask for others opinions; just me, myself and I choosing a movie or six and doing things I normally don’t get a chance to do all in the privacy of my own, empty, home.
This is the time to turn the stero up and dance naked, singing into your curling iron pretending you in front of a crowd.
Rent all the sappy movies your husband won’t watch with you. Get a couple quarts of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and other snacks and plop yourself in front of the tv all weekend in your pj’s.
Go to the library and get a bunch of books and read in your pj’s all day.
Make a day of beauty and get your hair done and a manicure and pedicure. Then go to your favorite restaurant.
Invite a friend to go to the next city and window shop and have lunch.
I usually make sure I get all the chores out of the way first. It’s a guilt thing. Then it’s all about me. Loud music only I like, food only I like, and TV that only I like. I also like to just hang out and enjoy the silence. You’ll notice it. It’s great. And if you get so that you want some company, go ahead and invite’em over. But only if YOU want to.
Come over to my place and play XBox with me. I’ve got the same thing in two weeks. Lady Chance and Baby Kate are heading for Iowa for a big anniversary party and I’m here at home from Thursday night through Sunday night.
It’s not the first bad thing on earth to finally get some time to myself.
Well, when I first read your post title I was going to type
“Ive one word you for you, babe, PARTY!”
But now that I see youve got a family and stuff, I would say to have a dinner party for only your girlfriends. No guys at all. I think that would be fun
And, pick a few favourite friends to come over and make dinner with. Make them stay until everything is clean again. Get drunk.
… oh, your nearby friends won’t be around.
Well, if I hadn’t spent a weekend alone in eleven years, I think I would be more than happy dancing naked, making dinner, washing dishes, eating ice cream and watching movies all by myself.
I agree it’s the little things that will make it special.
Read a good book in the bathtub.
Get all the foods you really like.
Watch a good movie all the way through without being interrupted.
Call an old friend and talk for at least an hour.
I’d also say get a good porno and enjoy yourself but to each his/her own.
I bought a fancy coffe and read books for free at the local book store. Totally satisfying and fairly cheap, too. Then I went window shopping to places I normally don’t go because I either cannot afford the place or it’s no fun taking kids there.