What Can You Tell Me About the ANSIX 12 Standard?

OK, Dopers, my employer’s standing over my shoulder, so don’t let me down.

What can you tell me about the ANSIX 12 standard used for e-commerce? Specifically, how readily obtainable is it, and how easy is it to use?

As always, thanks for your help.


[url=http://www.gslis.utexas.edu/~ssoy/pubs/l389c5b.htm]This site[/url has lots of links to ANSI X12 standard references.

Ack! Fixed link.

Sorry, I checked the link, but it didn’t help. Does anyone else have any information?


I am familiar with the ANSI X12 standards only as they pertain specifically to the new Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). There are 8 reulated transactions (soon to be 10) that this law mandates for certain types of healthcare EDI.

I’m not sure if that helps, but I do know that you can download the implementation guides specific to HIPAA for the X12 standards at:


I’m afraid that link doesn’t work. I’ll try a search on Google again, but if you have a better link, that would help.


Google on “ANSI X. 12”. I learned that when I did my first search using your “ANSIX 12”.