What Christmas presents are you making this year?

I’ve done a bunch of cranberry and lime curd for my MIL, and I think I’ll make a variety of different types of bread for my brother-in-law and his wife- ham and black pepper, focaccia, maybe some cinnamon whole wheat. I’ll probably make them garlic dipping oil to go with the focaccia. I’ll probably make my sister-in-law a necklace, too.

My best friend wants a rosary pouch, so that’s what she’s getting, along with some books. I should start it soon. I think I’ll do applique beadwork on it, if I’ve got time.

I’ll do a bunch of different flavoured shortbread for work.

Still trying to come up with stuff fo for my Mum and Dad.

Who else is making stuff for Christmas?

Homemade caramels for bosses and wives…cinnamon flavour and vanilla.

Took up knitting last year so female family members are getting fun little neck warmer scarves made with yarn like this - keeps me occupied on the metro !

I always dip my own chocolates for general gift-giving. I go through about 20 pounds of chocolate, so you can imagine the volume I make.

This year, all the nieces and nephews are getting stuffed elephants sewn of Minkee (that new supersoft poly fabric–it’s furry and makes great toys and blankets). Here’s a picture of the pattern, but it’s not really very good. I’m only making the momma elephants since I don’t care for the babies. So far I’ve made four, in pink, yellow, and green, and still have a couple in lavender and one in a different yellow to go. I tested an elephant out on a 1-yo boy I know–his face lit up and he lunged for it, so I guess they’ll go over pretty well.


My life’s been pretty screwed this year, and I’m broke, and don’t even have my bookstore discount (where i got most of my Xmas presents in the past few years), but I can still cook. I’m already planning it.

And photographs. Mine. What’s left on my hard drive. The nice nature abstracts for my family, certain others are going out to certain others.

I haven’t done any cross stitching for a while, but when I finally found a pattern company I could live with (I’m 20, flowers and birds really dont do it for me) I decided to make this one (may be offensive) for my roommate. I’m excited!

Birdhouses - I made four this year and put them up in my yard. They’re painted rather whimsically, and people have said how much they like them, so people who like birdhouses are getting birdhouses.

My oldest son and his wife are getting a quilt. It’s a Jacob’s Ladder block in shades of blue on a white-tonal background. The back of the quilt is made up of the same blues, sewn together in strips of different widths. It looks almost as nice as the front.

Next year, everybody’s getting a quilt, whether they want one or not. :slight_smile:

I want a quilt!

I’m making beaded bookmarks for most of the readers on my Christmas list. That and beaded jewelry will be going out to a lot of folks.

I bought their book. :smiley:

I’m making little bath “fizzies”/“bombs” using a recipe from the Martha Stewart homemade holiday gifts magazine.

I just took a freeform peyote beading class and am hoping to make each of my two sisters a wristwatch with a freeform peyote band.

Here’s my work-in-progress that I started in the class. I think it’s trying to be a necklace. :wink:

(And if there are any other crafty Dopers who do this kind of work, let me know! I got questions!)

I make dog treats for all the dogs in my family and friends dogs. I have a bunch of good recipes if anyone wants them.

I’ll put you on the list, if you don’t mind waiting until 2012 or so. :slight_smile:

Those beaded bookmarks are cool. Is there beading on both ends of the string? A friend made me a dreamcatcher bookmark in colors that match the cover of King’s Dreamcatcher. She used tiny silver beads and silver and blue thread. Gorgeous.

I’ve already crocheted a baby blanket, some hats and a pair of socks for my pregnant niece. I want to make some more socks and maybe a pillow for the baby too.

There’s always scarves for whoever and I’ve been experimenting with crocheted jewelry so maybe some necklaces or bracelets.

But I have to finish the shawl I’m making for a friend first. She wants it to wear to a wedding on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. :eek:

I’ll wait!

There are beads on both ends - some of them have charms on them. I use nylon coated tigertail jeweler’s wire so they’ll be durable.

I’ll have to remember to make a matching bookmark if I give anyone a book!

I’m knitting a bunch of scarves for people, I think.

We got a screen printing kit, and will be making t-shirts with pictures our daughter drew over the last year. My favorite is “Daddy and J, looking at a heart, and taking a picture”, of course, I am biased.

The lady my husband is laying a floor for gave me two cases of mason jars - so I’m going to be doing some canning. I think. I have to get busy and find some recipes…

I am making this scarf for my sister. I’m doing the first version (the mohair/silk one) in black. It looks pretty good, and it’s my first lace project so I’m pretty proud of it! It’s not quite done yet, so it still has that spagetti-like look that unblocked lace has.

My father is getting a hat and scarf. I didn’t follow a pattern, just swatched to be sure it’s the right size. It’s just a simple ribbed hat & scarf, so no pattern necessary.

I’m making my mom an afghan. It’s basically a larger version of the “Big Bad Baby Blanket” form the first Stitch 'n Bitch.

If I have time, I’m going to make something for one of my cousins too. Either a felted bag, a bag from some recycled sari silk I have hanging around, or a pair of Fuzzyfeet.

I just decided last night – I’m making the felted bowls from One Skein for cousins, aunts, etc. My brother was visiting me in October and liked a hat I’d made, so he picked out some yarn for it and he’s getting that and some homemade caramel sauce. My sister-in-law will get these lovely cuffs. My grandparents think they already have too much stuff, so I bake for them – mom’s parents will get some banket (a lovely Dutch almond pastry cooky), since they loved it last year, and my dad’s mom will get some chocolate-peppermint mini cupcakes, since she loved them last year. I’ll also do some other baking, but I haven’t figured out what yet. And I still have to figure out what I’ll make my parents and my in-laws. Oh, and my husband.

I’d better get knitting! :eek: