People are always referring to “A Life”. As in, “Get A Life”, and “I have A Life, too, you know”. But, I’m not sure I know exactly what constitutes A Life. (Nor am I really sure why it’s always capitalized, even when spoken. But, you can definitely tell by the way it’s said.) I don’t even know if I have one. Which is the reason for this post.
How do I know if I have A Life, if I can’t define it? Obviously, I can’t possibly know. I may have one, and not know it. I may not have one, and not be aware of it. It may be packed away in a box in the cellar, with all the other useless crap I can’t part with. Or, maybe it accidentally got thrown out, last time I cleaned out the basement, because I didn’t recognize it.
So, help me out, here. How do I recognize A Life, when I see one? I’m assuming any helpful labels it originally had have long since fallen off or faded to illegibility. I’m assuming it’s made up of multiple parts, since people who seem overly focused on one aspect of life are often the targets of the “Get A Life” barbs. I’m also assuming “Some assembly is required”, and that the instruction manual is somewhere in the Lost Sock Nebula. Fortunately, I’m reasonably mechanically inclined. (Although, it helps to have some idea of what I’m supposed to be building.) But, leaving assembly aside for the moment, do I even have all the pieces?
I have the following;[ul]A job that pays well, even if I occasionally hate it
A girlfriend
A few remaining family members
A car
Friends (though, no really close ones)
Varied interests (At least, I did before I joined SDMB. They’re probably around here, somewhere.)
Assorted skills and talents
Lots of books, CDs, DVDs, videos, and collections
A whole lot of other crap (details as needed)[/ul]
Does this add up to A Life? If not, what am I missing? (Please; religion is absent by intent, not omission.) And, what should it look like, when assembled? A large wooden horse? A bunny rabbit? A kinetic sculpture? Clues gratefully accepted.