What did hiring manager mean by this?

I interviewed for a job last week. Sent an email two days ago asking about the status of the position.

Here’s the reply:

“Thank you for the email. We have started a background check on one candidate. We are waiting for the response from that before we can formally offer the position.”

Formally offer it to me? To the other guy?

On one hand, I am kind of hopeful-- why would they tell me in such detail if I wasn’t the one they were doing it on?

On the other hand, if they were preparing to offer it to me, wouldn’t they just say something like, “pending a background check, you can have the position”?

Anyway, that was late Monday afternoon. 48 hours later, and still no word.

What do ye Dopers think?

“The guy we really want as number one choice must pass our checks first before we can offer it to him and turn you down. However if he fails the background check, we may consider you for the job”

Is my view

That’s kind of how I took it on first reading, but it’s easy to read into things and over-analyze.

I’m afraid that is it. The candidates we did background checks on told me they were happening. If they were doing one on you, you’d know.

I’m quite surprised the hiring manager was that open with you. It is a good sign.

Or it means they have diarrhea of the mouth…er, fingers.

I’m be careful about reading to much into it. It sounds like you got a unnecessarily honest response, you asked the status of the job and got the most direct answer possible. It doesn’t include any inferences or caveats. As a result I wouldn’t take that to mean that you are their second choice.

That said, the guy writing the email might have meant that you are the “one” since it’s vague which makes the honesty less bizarre.

What she probably meant to say was that they are starting background checks on the candidates. And before they can offer anyone a position they will have to check them.

One thing that really has amazed me in the last few years, is how often, I’ve had my background checked and my references called BEFORE the first interview. You would think it would be a waste of time, but it has happened.

I wouldn’t worry just keep interviewing.

How was the To: line on the email addressed? Something like “HR-noreply@company.com”? If so he probably sent it to both of you.

It was a reply to a question I sent to their email. theirname@business.com. I’m sure I agreed to a background check when I applied for the position online.

I just thought that they were being so vague because they didn’t want to offer me anything or get my hopes up if they change their mind at the last minute.