What did I make?

Exactly. The only reason to buy the full crusts is if you have to make a number of pies all at once. But the Pillsbury stuff is very adaptable.

Yeah, that recipe has you pouring stock over the whole thing before you cook it, but when I make chicken and dumplings, I don’t do that. It sounds like the only thing you did different than me with my chicken and dumplings is I put in spoons of batter on top instead of pouring the whole thing over it.

That’s what I did. Only, there was a lot of batter.


Judges say…OK! They roll big joints too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me tell you about these really neat table candles I make…


There can never be too much batter for chicken and dumplings. That’s the best part! :slight_smile:

(When I do chicken and dumplings with Bisquick drop biscuits and spoon it over, I get something like 3-inch tall dumplings.)

I sincerely wish no disrespect or to promulgate discord in any way, but you must retain a big time, big-nosed (…”big nose” is not a bigoted remark; some of my best friends have big noses, including my dog) divorce attorney ASAP. If your spouse declares, no lard!; you must reply, no marriage!

…You might want to get a second opinion about all this, of course.