What did Sally Say?

I flipped over a couple times during football commercials.

First thought: every time I flipped, they were awarding “Broken Trail” with something. I’ve never even heard of that.

Second thought: the Bill Mahre show bathroom scene was fucking hilarious.

Third thought: Sally Field one of these years has to get up and go, “You fucking love me. You really fucking love me.”

Fourth thought: way to go “30 Rock”. Now maybe, some people will finally tune in and realize this is a god damn funny show. I’m easily as psyched for this to start as I am for the Office and moreso than for Earl.

Lastly: yeah, what did that Soprano’s writer say real quick at the end? It sounded like klingon mixed with elvish mixed with a buddhist mantra.

devilsknew: political comments belong in Great Debates. This forum is for comments about arts and entertainment. I guess, to the extent that Bush and Company provide entertainment, there can be a fine line (so I’m not calling this an Official Warning, it’s more in the nature of a friendly li’l aside) …

If mothers ran the world?

Obviously Sally hasn’t met the mom who hired a hit man to kill another girl that was also gunning for her daughter’s place in the…what was it, cheerleader squad, or something?

Trunk, the Sopranos writer (David Chase) said:

“In essence this is a show about gangsters, and gangsters are out there taking their kids to college and taking their kids to school and putting food on the table. And hell, let’s face it, if the world or this nation was run by gangsters --” and then he sorta shrugged and smiled said “Maybe it is”. Everybody laughed, except for one guy with glasses in the background who looked kinda like “Should he have said that?”

I thought Brad Garrett’s comments about Joely Fisher’s boobs were crass and unfunny. “Note to self: get milk.” :rolleyes: What are you? 12?

Maybe it’s my dislike of Heaton’s politics, but watching her with Kelsey Grammer on the red carpet, and again when they presented, I got the idea that he was sick of being around her already. Too bad she’s on his new show – I would have watched it.


No, I believe it was Alan Taylor. not David Chase, and that was nothing like he said.

:confused: She’s honorary chair of Feminists for Life, but I’ve never heard her get into political opinions.

Okay. I thought you were asking about what was said when The Sopranos won best drama.

I’ll rewind and see if I can find the other comments.

ETA: Found it. No clue. It sounded vaguely Scandinavian.

Well, if he’s sick of her, I doubt it is due to her politics…he’s a Republican, as well.

:dubious: They’re both pretty right wing. He’s endorsing Guiliani and has discussed running for Congress as a Republican.

ETA: Aigh…shouldn’t have spent that much time perusing Google for confirmation!

I did, too, and thought someone else would beat me to it! Let’s call it a tie, shall we? :slight_smile:

My knee jerked when I saw Heaton weighing in on the Terri Schiavo ordeal. Everybody and their brother had something to say about that, and that’s okay. But the impression I got from Heaton was that there should have been no controversy – she was right, and there was no other way to look at it. There’s nothing wrong with having strong feelings, but at least allow that the other side might have given some honest thought to the issue.

So you are saying she would make a fine Republican POTUS? :wink:

Yeah, I had asked about this up thread, too. I did like when he told his (I assume) kids that this Emmy was for them, but it sharp and pointy…

But then the last bit threw me for a loop!

They didn’t bleep her for political content. They bleeped her for saying goddamn. Yes I think it was a bit trigger happy for the guy on the dump button but he is under pressure and has to make a split second judgement and risk the wrath of those writing his check and the FCC. I would probably err on the side of caution too. At least point your over the top wrath in the right direction.

On the west coast, Ray Romano’s line was replaced by a shot from overhead, and silence. What did the live east coast people see?

Ditto re: Brad Garrett. Crass.

I generally enjoy awards shows, but this one was a dog. As usual, the best part was the late night talk show writer’s nominees. Conan’s (getting a truck load of day laborers) had me falling over laughing.

OK…where did all these miniseries appear? I get 400 channels and spend as many hours staring at the tube as anyone, and I’d never heard of most of 'em.

Me neither. I would have watched The Robber Bride.

I’d heard about Broken Trail, Prime Suspect, and Wounded Knee, but that’s all.

What I heard about Wounded Knee was that it was boring and by-the-numbers, so those wins were a surprise.

As opposed to Sally’s unqualified statement about mothers.

Especially the part where she was abducted by men in black and nobody’s heard from her since. :rolleyes:

Romano, the same as you saw.

But we did get to see Brad Garrett in all his tasteless glory.

This just isn’t true. The FCC has said that they don’t care about “goddamn”. The word/phrase is uttered on network television all the time, including on Fox. If they were only concerned about the word they would have blanked out the word and it would have come off as “we wouldn’t have any _____ wars.”

As reported by the AP article, posted on FOXNews.com (which, if I recall correctly, has edited AP articles in the past):

She wasn’t edited for time (as the full and un-cut version ran on Canadian television) or for profanity (as goddamn is a non-issue according to the FCC and Fox Broadcasting) but rather for content.