What did the reporter ask Trump that elicited such derision?

I have watched as little of Trump as possible so I don’t know- what sort of expletives has he been using at his appearances?

&%##@, *****, ((!!!4) and ^^>"+= .

How dare you think of the children!

Hey, it’s a tough world. At least he hired Nancy and Sluggo as…transcriptionists? Transcribers?

Or just the general term for all of the above: trumperific.

Or the question is just a means to see if a candidate for the Presidency can handle himself when a little pressure is applied. Trump has once again shown that when he gets the least bit frazzled he loses control and lashes out. Which is probably not a good character trait in somebody who will have access to nuclear weapons.

Yeah, I was assuming it was another attempt to call out inconsistency after Trump acted offended in response to former Mexican President Fox’s “not going to pay for that fucking wall” comment.

Count me as another one who thinks the “explain it to your children” angle on the question is kind of goofy. We’ll have to explain Trump’s embarrassing public behavior to our kids regardless of whether he enhances it with expletives.