What do y'all think of me?

I mean, seriously.

Am I the loser who never says anything funny or interesting?

Am I the immature kid who doesn’t ever seem to be able to keep up?

Am I the guy who has a trail of threaddeath in my wake?

Am I something else entirely?

You are Speaker!

You are funny and witty and charming. You are a great guy and you’re lots of fun to talk to.

I actually keep forgetting how old you are. :slight_smile:

Really? Me too! I keep thinking I’m eighteen, like when those sites ask you for your age before they let you enter!

:smiley: :cool: :smiley:

Generally, I do not find your posts to be a complete waste of time.


I was also surprised when someone told me how old you really are. I enjoy reading your posts, and I think you are more mature than a lot of adults I know.

I, for one, am happy to have you around!



ah, the clog man comes in with a post just overflowing with emotion… :slight_smile:

Wha? How old are you? You’re cool, what are you 4? or 94?

You are the person who starts polling threads in MPSIMS instead of IMHO :smiley:

Like theres a difference. Ever seen a post get moved from IMHO to MPSIMS? :slight_smile:

I have, Whammo. And vice versa also.

You have excellent taste in Literature.
You seem to be very bright.
I’ll bet your teachers feel lucky to have you as a student.

Coldfire, who hopes to land a role as a Vulcan in the next Star Trek movie.

For all I know you might drink good Bourbon and you might be a fine judge of horseflesh. Your mother might be proud of you. Maybe you vote in every election and pay your taxes on time.

Who are you? :smiley:

Speaker for the Dead: Cool user-name, and great sig. BTW, where’s the sig from? I’ve even told friends about it!

Speaker? well, he’s not completely useless…

Yeah, just wanna chime in on the, “I keep forgetting how old you are…” chain.

You’re cool Speaker, and very mature. :slight_smile:

I have such fond memories of you. I remember sitting in front of you when I had second row seats at one of the Fall '92 Madison Square Garden shows. You put out some exceptionally crisp bass notes, and even Jerry never sounded better.


Oh, sorry. Heh. Wrong Speaker. Wrong Dead.

OK, seriously. You seem like a good guy to me.

Actually, I don’t know where the quote came from. My friend told me it a long time ago, and credited it JRR Tolkien. However, I’m not sure I believe him, and have yet to run it through Google. Anyway, it’s the one I use on all my message board accounts.

Actually, I don’t know where the quote came from. My friend told me it a long time ago, and credited it JRR Tolkien. However, I’m not sure I believe him, and have yet to run it through Google. Anyway, it’s the one I use on all my message board accounts.