What do you call a person who trolls a troll?

“… it’s Trolltown, Gatopescado…”

I call them feeders. Trolling a troll is feeding a troll, and trolls on this site should be banned, not fed.

Trolls troll trolls. But not all who troll trolls are trolls. Sometimes trolls troll trolls to troll. But some who troll trolls troll for motives whole. Perhaps troll trolls for motives droll. If you trust trolls. Or trust trolls trolling other trolls. Or trust the polls. Of trolls and trolls trolling other trolls. That say or claim to say why trolls. Are trolls or trolls just trolling other trolls.

Troll, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll troll troll…

“Shuttup! Bloody vikings!”

The only winning move is not to play.

Never send to know for whom the troll trolls; it trolls for thee.

That’s insane troll logic.

“Whoever fights [trolls] should see to it that in the process he does not become a [troll]. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

With apologies to Nietzsche.

I don’t agree Feeding a troll is giving them what they want—getting riled up. The result is that the troll is happy. The whole idea of trolling a troll is that you actually rile them up.

I’m not saying it’s easy. For an attention-seeking troll, there’s not much you can do but not pay attention to them—though I’ve seen some people do so in some aggressive ways. (The recipe thing in the Pit is an example.) The anger-seeking troll is easier, though it can sometimes be hard to tell if you’ve actually broken though or if it’s still part of the bit.

There are some trolls you can get rid of just by ignoring them. But the good ones don’t give up so easily. I’ve seen cases where trolls took over a space. Sometimes the better reaction is to fluster them enough that they go away. I’ve seen it done, particularly by the type of people who are often troll targets (like outspoken women).

It’s not as simple as saying mean things to them, as that is just anger and is exactly what they want. But it can be done. Usually it involves being quite smarmy.

Are you my Mother, or my sister? I lost track.

Well, back in the olden days of Battle.Net, when it was just the one game, we called people who killed player killers (pks) player killer killers (pkks). So… what’s wrong with troll troller?

Oh, wait…


(Okay, it’s not a funny response. But it’s an awesome song, plus how often do you get to hear music in Faeroese?)

Be careful, lest you summon Mustakrakish the lake troll with all this talk of Trolls and Singing…