What do you call that thing you boop to lock your car doors as you walk away?

See subject. I don’t drive.

That’s actually a funny question. I do know what a carburetor is, however.

I call it the lock remote.

A carbooperator.

I just call it the car key. Or key fob, I suppose. I don’t give a special word to the button bit.

“Central locker”

I don’t have one because I’m low tech, but I hear “key fob” a lot.

When I refer to one, I tend call it a “beepy thing” while holding my hand out to aim an imaginary one at an imaginary car and try to unlock it.

Key. Or key fob, I guess.

A racist’s best friend. :slight_smile:


A key fob.

A year or two ago, I remember reading that word in an old Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie book in reference to a key chain or bracelet charm or necklace pendent or something along those lines, so it’s not exactly a new term.

The car remote.

I know people who call it “the beep-beep”.

A lock booper.

A remote, a keyless entry, a car remote, or a key fob. However, a ‘key fob’ sometimes specifically refers to only the little black ‘thing’ that newer cars have instead of keys. IOW cars with push-button START/STOP, where the key fob just has to be in your pocket (i.e. within a short distance from the car). Although, I guess, this would now just be built into the keyless entry thing (I’ve never driven a car with just a START button) so it doesn’t matter.

Key fob is a broader term than just a car remote, though. Also, FWIW, the official name for the key fob w/r/t my Mazda (which does have push-button start) is the “advanced key”. It also includes a real key stashed inside the fob, in case the keyless start system malfunctions.

I call it the remote or the key fob.

A friend of mine referred to the chirping sound that his car made in response to the remote being pressed as “Japanese car farts”.

The zapper.

A remote.

More recent cars, with the remote integrated into a mechanical key as well, I refer to as a “keymote” (clever, eh?), but it’s not an official thing as far as I can tell.

Either the key fob or the remote. Remote is more accurate but fob is more euphonious.

I call it a “fob.” The wife calls it a “clicker.”

I call it “the key”. In our case, the buttons for locking and unlocking the car are built into the base of the key itself, rather than being in a separate device, so it’s an accurate description.