What do you drink to encourage weight loss?

My favorite low to no calorie drinks include Crystal Lite’s lemonade and pink lemonade, and any flavored selzer water… I even prefer the unsweetened ones, like La Croix. It’s just something a little different from plain water, which I drink a lot of.

Oh, those Emergen-Z type things – the things with ridiculous amounts of ascorbic in them that fizz in the water. They’re pricey, and it’s probably not good to consume upwards of 4000.00 percent of your RDA of vitamin C every day, but they are tasty, and make good mixers.

I’ll stand by mineral waters – I’m talking not just seltzers, but Perrier, and all the other foreign brands right now of which I cannot think.

In my experience, this is completely untrue. It is very possible that you’ll never like it and you’ll crave flavored drinks, no matter how long you drink just water.

But you can train yourself to drink water even if you don’t like it. It isn’t going to kill you. You can just suck it up.

Learning to drink water is a good skill. Hydrating your body without also jamming extra chemicals in there is a good thing.

My wife and I are losing weight, and there’s two water-related tricks we’ve found really helpful:

  1. Keep a water jug around. We have a glass one, probably about a gallon. We fill it up and keep it close by when we’re home – usually on our living room table since we’re usually on the couch watching TV or using laptops when we’re home. If you make it easier to just pour and drink water than to fetch a soda, it’s easy to reinforce the habit.

  2. Pick up a box of a product called “TrueLemon” (or TrueLime if its your taste). It’s usually sold near Splenda in stores that carry it. One packet added to a jug of water is enough to give it a nice citrusy hint without being overly flavory. It’s cheap, and really helps acclimate your taste to water.

i learned the hard way that most people think chilled water to be more palatable? personally i drink out of the tap, and it horrifies everyone around me. once an ex gf asked for some water and i just got it out of the bathroom sink and she threw a huge fit over it. i tried to counter with “it’s all pipes!” she got even less amused.

I’d like some more input from folks who don’t like the “taste” of water – it seems very alien to me, this taste or preference.

I defy anyone to perform some exercise to the point of depletion of physical resources and turn down even one sip of water, even from a hoofprint in the dirt filled with infested, infective water. I’m not trying to be a cunt but I was about 100 pounds overweight several years ago and even then, although I would have preferred a nice stout, a nice bit of branch water would have filled the bill in a parched moment.

This is, in a serious moment for me, pretty key for my own preferences. I find when I’m housesitting or staying outside of my own kitchen for more than a day or two it’s difficult to hydrate properly, particularly since such occasions are not usually matched by physical exercise.

Like Walter Benjamin and his paper and pens, I find it pedantic and essential to have at least a 1 qt (say, 1 L, if you like) container which can be refilled convienently – it’s hard for me to hydrate properly using the dinky little cups most people (including me) have around their kitchen.

My first drummer used to haul around a gallon jug of water in the bed of his pickup, and then I read Ray Jardine, so the woo is with me, and so may it vobiscum with you or something.

Tea and coffee. Caffeine matters when trying to burn fat, but soda = junk.

I like to drink Powerade Zero™. It’s sweetened with sucralose, has no calories, and does not promote tooth decay. I think the orange-flavored Powerade tastes best. You can find the 32 ounce bottles for less than a dollar.

I have you beat. In China, I learned how to enjoy my water Chinese style…piping hot. To this day I prefer it that way, and heat up cup after cup of water in the microwave. It goes down easy, soothes the throat, and warms you up from the inside. The downside is people think you are insane. But really, if you’d drink hot tea, why not hot water?

Green tea. It is great for your digestive system and has been correlated with weight loss in studies. I especially like it because it has about half the caffeine of black tea, so it picks me up without giving me a headache like too many cups of black tea can do.