What do you just love about newbies?

It didn’t come off sarcastic? It was supposed to, so excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusse me!!! Would a little smiley have helped? :o

What is that? Is that the sound of a toilet flushing in the distance? Oh no, it’s just my lame attempt at a fun thread dying- slowly.

Fine. This thread was lame. Very lame. And it’s dying. I can feel it. Stop. Stop, Dopers. I can feel it. I…can…feel…it. Daisy, Daisy, bring me your answer please…

Anyway, I’m amazed that people actually took this seriously. It was a joke! A joke, I say!

I swear. I really like newbies. I was a newbie once(on AOL). And to think, I thought their threads plumeted. I like newbies. In fact, I like them a lot. Yeah, that’s it. I shall be the staunch defender of newbies. They shall hail me. Hail! Hail! All newbies hail me! Your leader! No one cares for you like I do! Hail!

::shuffles off and begins redemption process::

I sorta like it when people ask about Wally. Brings back good memories. :frowning:


Know what I love about newbies? They aint all winkled up like the old bees!

I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet now.

Uhhhhhhh … Mahaloth?

Yeah. You’re trying to make amends to the “newbies” so you … give them orders? Ask them to hail you? Is that just a little backwards?

Or was that a joke again? Right … we’ve gotta work on that tone. :slight_smile:


not claiming affiliation one way or another here, but: its sort of a damned if you, do damned if you don’t thing ain’t it?
Get snapped at for ressurecting old posts, but if they start new threads with out looking for relevant old posts they get tore up that way too. Whats a newbie to do?

Personally, as a newbie myself, I’d just like to add that South Park rules. :wink:

Comment: :smiley:

Anyway – while there’s still a newbie inside ya, ya won’t get stale. While there’s newbies still on the SDMB, it shall always rock. While we continue to think the sweet thoughts of newbiedom – we piss the fogeys off. Life is sweet.

I gotta come out of lurk mode to interject a stupid newbie question here…

What the heck is AFAICS?

Somebody just answer me before you discuss my endearing naivete… :wink:

As Far As I Can See

Boy, that really torques me right off- “What does AFAICS mean?”, the newbie whines. As an oldie, I roll my eyes at you, I point to your post and laugh, and feel very superior right now.



Oh, and Mahaloth- first rule when you are in a hole: stop digging.


Welcome, Lil Lurker- I’m just funnin’ with ya’

Well, I caught the sarcasm. I don’t know if that’s any comfort to you, but I felt it had to be said. So, ya wanna, like, hang out or something?? :slight_smile:

Bah, newbies! I always thought we should institute the rule that only people with at least 50 posts should be allowed to post.

[sub](Shamelessly stealing a joke from, IIRC, Alphagene from about a year ago)[/sub]

[sally field]

They like us, They really like us!

[/sally field]

I have to admit, I like newbies. Especially with gravy.

Well, somebody had to say it.

Oh, wait. I guess I am one.

Never mind.

I’m sitting around waiting for Crunchy Frog to come back so I can get my “bite me!” :slight_smile:

HeY, yO, lIkE ~nApsTer~ iS lIkE ~sOoOoOoO~ kEwLiEs, Ya dIg?!?!

nEoNe eLSe hEreZ liKe BrITney 2? sHe LiKe rOCks mY wORld!!!



Man that took a long time to type! And it doesn’t even look authentic!

::kicks dirt::

I guess I really am a stupid newbie. :smiley:

:Kayeby previews, just to make sure she hasn’t stuffed the coding up::

In all fucking seriousness, the thing I like about newbies is that they aren’t afraid to skewer sacred cows. They don’t know the history of a person, so they treat them as they see 'em.

WOO HOO! I made the cutoff even with this low post count! Have I set a record for being an oldie and having less than 300 posts?

DANG! I meant 4! 400 posts! :slight_smile:

[sub]well I guess that disproved my wit and wisdom. Im the class of 5 of '99’s dunce :frowning: [/sub]