What do you say when you get 100 posts?

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Congrats Sweet Sue!

Its been delightful having you here, keep it up!

Good for you.

Putting words in some place other than the “post subject” line might be something to think about . . . :wink:

“What do you say when you get 100 posts?”

I’ll let you know in a few minutes.

I’m right behind you!

Say, did you know Anthracite calculated that when you cross 100 you are in the top 16% of posters?

How’s it feel to be an Old Timer!:wink:

Congrats, kid! Stick around. But maybe you could say more sometime? It was wonderful what Silent_Bob said when he finally spoke. Then at the Chifest he wouldn’t shut up…

There’s no pleasing me, is there?

I should probably check in with him and see how he’s doing. I miss him. Like I’ve missed you the past few weeks when I haven’t seen any posts. Guess I haven’t been hanging around the same threads.


[aside to dropzone: Sweet Sue talked a few times that I’ve seen. In a couple of SDMB wedding threads, she even brought “presents”! So it’s fair this party is for her.]

See you at 200 Sue!

Good going Sue!

I suspect I’ll be long gone before you hit 200 though.
I hit 100 my first week. :cool:

I got that beat, made 100 in my first 24 hours.
[url=“http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=49439”]SDMB Book of Records? [/url

Still makes you happy don’t it Sweet Sue?
I bragged when I hit 100. Round numbers are magical!

So here’s to you Sweet Sue! Keep those number dials spinning!

Happy 100 to all of you.

Huzzah, Sue!!!

It took me, like, a year and a half to make my first 100…

It’s almost five months and I still haven’t got to one hundred yet. So congratulations on your first big milestone in posting.

And an early congratulations to hypergirl for reaching 1000.

Yay Sue!

(one post closer to 500…)


(And how come no one brought food to this post party, hmmm??? I’ll just distribute these Godiva chocolates…)

Congrats Sweet Sue!

Your posts are interesting to read. :slight_smile:

Here’s your present!


Quick open it… I think it’s a stick puppy. :smiley:

If you’re like a lot of the regulars here you say:

“…and that’s Tuesday.”

Congrat’s Sue. Always enjoy your posts, even if they do make me wonder if they’re chemically induced… Or are they Art? …or both?

See you on the other side…

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Congrats, Sweet Sue
I hired a choir for your celebration. They’ll take requests.:slight_smile: