What do YOU think is wrong with my toes?

That’s what you think. It’s a multilayered spell. There’s an invisibility spell underneath the visibility spell. But your feelers aren’t fooled like your lookers. Your real toes were actually nibbled off by a rabid yeti when you weren’t looking.

I’m totally going to propose this as a possible diagnosis next time I see my doctor.

You’ve most likely sustained peripheral sensory nerve injury (compression type injury from tight boots/bindings) resulting in parasthesia (i.e. numbness, burning, tingling). There are 3 levels of nerve injury (from mildest to most severe): neuropraxia (focal demylenation, axon intact), axonotmesis (axon divided, epineurium intact) and neurotmesis (complete division of nerve). Yours is most assuredly neuropraxia (or possibly a combination of neuropraxia and axontmesis), in which case you should expect complete recovery in a few weeks to a few months. Considering your method of injury and symptoms, it is highly unlikely that you have sustained neurotmesis (permanent nerve damage). Good luck.

I don’t know - this sounds pretty far fetched.

Whatever Crackpot. When come back bring reasonable answer.

Agreed. I’d be highly skeptical of taking medical advice from someone with poopie pants.

Hee. This reminds me of childhood. My father is scared of hospitals and also feels compelled to punish you for hurting yourself. Part of the punishment shtick was to spin tales about the worst possible outcome: he told my brother that bro had probably broken the growth center in his ankle and one leg would end up shorter, that my scrape would probably end up horribly infected, etc. So mom and I, in an effort to cope with this jackass, would say, “It’ll turn gangrenous, no doubt; only thing to do is cut it off now.” “Better go ahead an amputate that now; it’s only delaying the inevitable to try and let it heal.”

“Might as well cut it off now” continues to be a catchphrase. :cool:

I’ll bet you skiied over some ancient burial ground without proper protection. The spirits have lodged themselves in your toes, and are gradually taking them ovre. Soon your toes will prance the earth, seeking revenge.

I’m still waiting for pictures of Alice’s toes.

Do they look like roses?

Beware of Doug - Perv.



is crawling all over me
there goes my eyeball
into your highball
there goes my fingernail
into you ginger ale

But no seriously, go back to your doctor. Could be some loss of circulation which doen’t speak well for the toes in question or for your whole system.

shouldn’t it be from the neck down? the problem is on the toes, after all.

She meant insensibility. More common and far less useful. :cool:

Why would I go back to my Dr before she has the results of the numerous tests that she has sent me for to help diagnose what’s wrong with my toes. Just to say hi?

Just print out this thread and bring it in to your doctor to show her why you may have some renewed concerns and you would like her opinion on them (cross out absurd possibilities like temporary nerve damage so that she won’t think you are a loon).

This is an EXCELLENT idea! I think I’ll highlight the really probable ones - like the snow snake, or the zombification.

I’ll tell you what’s wrong with your toes! They’re soft and pampered! You’ve coddled your toes, and now you’re reaping the whirlwind! Of course your toes are numb, what with all the nail polish and pedicures and DDR you’ve spoiled them with over the years! Toes today have no sense of personal responsibility! There was a time when toes knew their place in this country, and that place was at the ends of our feet! Our toes didn’t gad about on romantic ski holidays, ensconced in plush alpaca-lined Alpine Touring boots! We crammed our toes into ill-fitting, steel-reinforced work galoshes and then spent hours scraping ice off the driveway, smashing our insensible podal extremities into unidentifiable twisted stumps of frozen meat, our boots filling with slush and icewater until our toes lost all circulation, achieved absolute zero temperature and resolved into a Bose-Einstein condensate! AND THEY WERE GRATEFUL!

Terrifel, I showed my toes your post and now they’re crying. I hope you’re happy.

There, see? At last your toes can feel again! Tough love is sometimes necessary. The floodgates are open now; your toes’ cynical defenses are lowered. Don’t let this opportunity slip past! You can’t just spend your life taking your relationship with your toes for granted! All those expensive shoes and costly foot massages aren’t a substitute for real affection! You’ve got to tell your toes every day that you love them.