What does Buddhism have to say about enjoying life? (e.g. food and sex)

You must realize the impermanence of the hokeyness, and also see that attachment to non-hokeyness is an impediment as great as the hokeyness itself.


I’m going to be saying hokey all day now. Hokey, hokey hokey.

…That’s what it’s all about!

What? :smiley:

Whoa, hold on–the central message of Buddhism isn’t, like, every man for himself?

Sometimes. When that’s what’s needed. Other times, when presented with community crisis, it’s everyone for each other.

Above all, as far as this dabbler can tell, Buddhism’s message is that you’ll be happier if you strive to take life as it comes and deal with it, not agonizing about how things should be but aren’t. It doesn’t mean you can’t plan for the future, but when you’re planning for the future, plan for the future - don’t agonize about the present. It doesn’t mean you can’t work to better bad situations, but *work then, don’t sit around bitching and moaning. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care for your neighbor, but when you do, care for them whole-heartedly, without resentment or tallying up what they owe you in return. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care for yourself, either - but when you do, again, do it whole-heartedly and unabashedly, without guilt or excuses.
ETA: *And if you need a few moments of bitching and moaning, commit yourself to them! REALLY bitch and moan, don’t apologize for it! :stuck_out_tongue: And then when that’s over, move onto the next thing.

You know, you don’t have to believe in the hokey stuff to be a Buddhist. I don’t believe in reincarnation, and my interpretation of karma (cause/effect) is about as scientific as you can get.

Yes. I remember taking a course on Southeast Asian history. The professor launched into a big spiel about Buddhism, and I remember thinking indignantly, this isn’t the Buddhism I know! I was right, of course. Buddhism seems to manifest itself in a lot of ways, some of them downright bizarre and corrupt.

However, I don’t view Eastern Buddhism as any more authentic than Western Buddhism – it’s all going to vary from individual to individual, sangha to sangha. The East may have given roots to this practice I have in my life now. I might be wearing jeans instead of monk robes and sitting on a cushion I ordered online lighting candles I got from the local New Age shop, but what it comes down to is awareness of this present moment, mindfulness, a heart of compassion. That is universal. I think any serious student of Buddhism would agree.

No, theism is wrong*, religion is just heavily tainted by it, amongst other things. Some aspects of religion can be OK - Especially the more atheistic and non-supernatural aspects of Buddhism.

*for an atheist

No. Also, Aristotle was not Belgian. And the London Underground is not a political movement.

Heh. On my user CP panel, I read:

What does Buddhism have to say about enjoying life? (e.g. food and sex)…It’s Not Rocket Surgery!
As good a summation as any! :smiley:

Hmmm. Must be a different incident. There are no green robes in Thailand, and the photos I saw of the Nong Khai incident was all saffron yellow on both sides. Man, I guess these guys are pretty tough to cross!

Thank you for the opinions everybody. So the short version is, it’s OK to appreciate good food or sex when you are offered it, but it’s not OK to desire it or seek it out. And one can achieve enlightenment faster by forgoing earthly pleasures.

Is that about right?

Pretty good summary–take life as it comes, don’t hang on to it when it goes, and don’t do things that deliberately, through commission or omission, other people’s bodies or souls.

I suppose there could be a lot of discussion about the ‘not seek it out’ part. The key part is not to make it too important, or pursue it for egoistic reasons. I think there’s probably agreement that for non-monks/nuns, asking someone on a date is OK, just as going to a fancy restaurant to enjoy the meal is OK. On the other hand, having your life revolve around getting laid (or seeing how hot a girl or rich a guy you can seduce) is probably putting too much emphasis on something unimportant and will only cause pain in the long run.