What does durian taste like?

Seconded. I tried some from a Thai grocery in Des Moines. The freezing seems to minimize the odor. It tasted sort of like sweet, oniony custard. Not something I’d pick out again, but I didn’t spit it out either.

Very very oniony and kinda like sour/acidic tastes…

Ooooo sour is good! Depends though. I believe I’m probably whatever you call the opposite of a supertaster (e.g. candies can’t be sour enough and an adequate hot sauce leaves my mouth on fire) but my sense of smell is pretty acute so for me the aroma component of a given flavor is more important than the actual taste. I guess given the consensus here of oniony custard/banana that’s probably about what I can expect. Which is a bit of a relief since I’ve heard that it smells/tastes like feet or worse.

Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

I think it smells like spoiled meat. I had a colleague in Indonesia who would bring it to the office regularly.

A friend of mine went to the far east to give a talk, and when he got back he told us all about durian.
One week he brought some to potluck at church: several people coming downstairs commented that there must be a gas leak. Indeed, it smelled exactly like Fritz says, the stink in natural gas.

He said that hotels there had signs forbidding bringing durian into the rooms.