What does molten lava taste like?

When I eat molten lava, which is not often (only on special occasions), I do let it cool a bit first.

I think it tastes like dirt. Or maybe rock.

Way up there on the Scoville Scale, I would bet.

Hot death.

What do lava lamps taste like?

Kerosene. That’s what the liquid in them smells like, anyway. The actual lava is just some kind of wax.

It tastes igneous.


Find a nice piece of basalt, or if your feeling adventurous some tuff or pumice, and suck on it. Now just imagine that flavour at 1200C.

I don’t know, but I bet if they served it in a restaurant, there would be one of those “hot” asterisks next to it.

Note: My mother would always caution us about hot foods by saying they were “hot”, or “hot hot” or the dreaded “hot hot hot”. She never went to four “hots”, but I imagine lava would qualify.

It wouldn’t be molten then. The OP is asking what molten (liquid) lava tastes like, and the answer is you’d be dead almost instantly if someone poured it down your throat, so you wouldn’t have time to register a taste before shuffling off this mortal coil.

My guess is skittles.

I don’t always drink molten lava, but when I do, I prefer dos aa.

When a Hawaiian child says a bad word, does his mother wash his mouth out with Lava?


He’s The Most Incinerated Man In The World.

Probably rock and fire. Would hurt a lot.

My guess would be that it tastes a bit like a full container of this topped with a grain of sand and eaten in one swallow.

Need answer fast?

Freeze your tongue solid first, then you can do this.

If that won’t impress the girls, I don’t know what will.