In Western culture, reference to Bible stories occurs somewhat frequently. In fact, a TV reference to the ‘Road to Damascus’ sent me first to Wikipedia and now to post this topic. To some extent, the educated person is expected to know and understand these references. So: what are the most commonly references and most important Biblical stories to understand? Please, let’s treat this thread objectively/historically, as we might treat one asking ‘Which are the key Greek myths and mythological figures,’ or ‘What are the tenets of Islam?’
I’ll start off with a few, perhaps representing what a secular observer could pick up from observing popular American culture. Please forgive and correct any mistakes or misconceptions, and feel free to add details, as this is an area where I feel painfully ignorant:
Old Testament / relevant to Judaism and Christianity
-Genesis, the creation of Earth in seven days, the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib, the temptation of Adam in the Garden of Eden (with the serpent and the apple)
-Moses/Exodus: Led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt, which involved parting the Red Sea. Received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. The story of Passover, where his followers put blood on their doors and thus, unlike the (Egyptians?), did not lose their firstborn sons.
-Job: God did horrible things to him to test his faith, but Job never relented
-David and Goliath: the puny David overcame the beastly Goliath, killing him with a slung rock
-King Solomon: two women brought a baby to him, both claiming to be the mother. The one who was aghast at the suggestion that the baby be divided (cut) equally between them was the true mother, by his wisdom.
-The Flood: Noah built a huge Ark, despite everyone else in the world thinking he was crazy. Brought two of every animal aboard and rode out the Great Flood for forty days, managing to repopulate the world.
New Testament / relevant to Christianity
-Judas: one of Jesus’ followers, gave him up to the Romans
-Pontius Pilate: Roman leader who had something to do with persecuting the early Christians and ordered Jesus’ crucifixion
-Jesus: whose crucifixion wiped out the sins of man; was subsequently reanimated. The Golden Rule–treat others as you would want to be treated.
-The Holy Trinity / Jesus, God, the Holy Ghost. One and the same somehow. Catholicism?
-Peter, Paul, other Apostles: ?