What does "Tepeyac" mean?

I’m sure you’ve seen restaurants called So and So’s Tepeyac. But what or who or where is Tepeyac?
I’ve asked several people and got very different responses:

  1. It has to do with Indians in Mexico
  2. It’s a place in Spain
  3. It has to do with the Virgin of Guadalupe

Are any of these right?
Are there multiple definitions or meanings I haven’t heard yet?

According to Wikipedia, Tepeyac is the location of the Basilica of Guadalupe. And also a term meaning “settlement on a hill” in Nahuatl.

It’s also the title of a film that tells "the story of the Virgin of Guadalupe’s appearance to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin in 1531. "


As for the restaurant version, I have no idea.

Guess that clears approximately nothing up. :slight_smile:

vivalostwages writes:

> I’m sure you’ve seen restaurants called So and So’s Tepeyac.

Well, I haven’t. I assume that this is mostly a California thing. I Googled on “Tepeyac” and “restaurant” and got a lot of hits, but they mostly seem to be about restaurants in California.

Ah yes, I should not have assumed. Tepeyac is a name used by a number of Mexican restaurants here.

Brainiac, thanks!