What does the airport code LMT stand for?

Does anyone know what the airport code LMT stand for at Kingsly Field in Klamath Falls, OR?

My guess is that it’s the 2nd, 4th and 6th letters in “Klamath”, since the 4-letter code is KLMT.

Airport codes in the United States can’t start with K, W, or N.
That’s why nEWaRk is EWR, for example.


Sure they can, and there are multiple examples of airports starting with K, W and N in the U.S.

At some point, “N” was assigned for use by the U.S. Navy and “K” and “W” codes were assigned to the FCC (for use by commercial radio stations). But those reservations only applied to codes that had not already been assigned, so there are still some airports using codes starting with those letters.

Good article on the history of the “International Air Transport Association (IATA) Location Identifier”:

I read this and found it to be intresting.

I don’t know about the three-letter codes that travelers are familiar with, but the four-letter codes used by pilots certainly can. For example, L.A. International, known to most of us as LAX, is listed as KLAX on the FlightAware website.

As for Newark, I know it’s one of the cities people love to hate, but you’d think they could have come up with an airport code that doesn’t begin with “EW”.

The 3 letter code is the International Air Transport Association airport code and is used for general identification. The 4 letter code is the International Civil Aviation Organization airport code and is used on aero charts, by pilots, air traffic control and the FAA, etc. It’s the more “official” code.

K is the ICAO country code for the contiguous United States and prepending the IATA code with a K makes the ICAO code most or all of the time.

So, all ICAO codes start with K in the US, but I think it’s true that no IATA code starts with K in the continental US, so there’s won’t be any KKxx codes. I’m searching though a list and don’t see any. All of Alaska’s 3-letter IATA codes appear to start with K, as does Kona, HI, but you still won’t see any KKxx’s. Alaska’s ICAO prefix is PA and Hawaii’s is PH, so their codes rarely match. Some do match out of luck, like Hickam AFB is HIK and PHIK, but Kona’s are KOA and PHKO.

The continental US is lucky to have K as a prefix. Most countries have two letter prefixes so their two airport codes are like Hawaii’s and Alaska’s, they rarely match. Heathrow’s codes are LHR and EGLL, for example.

Most. For example, Wilkes County Airport (NC) is IATA IKB but ICAO KUKF.

I know at least two persons who were going to Goa in India but managed to buy tickets to GOA (Genova in Italy). :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you sure about that? Just looking at a few major Alaskan airports, Anchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks have IATA codes ANC, JNU and FAI, for example.

LMT stands for Kingsly Field. The individual letters in the identifiers don’t stand for anything by themselves. But usually some effort is made to make the identifiers match the city or airport name. Sometimes the letters do end up standing for something coincidentally. For example, Fresno Air Terminal (the original name of Fresno Yosemite International Airport). The airport applied for a change from FAT to FYI in 1996, but the FAA will only assign a new identifier when the airport actually moves. Some identifiers are a letter and two numbers. I remember at least one in SoCal, but I don’t remember what it is now.

Ref the OP:

It’s Kingsley Field as in David R. Kingsley - Wikipedia . Guys like that deserve to have their name spelled correctly.