What does the average Putin supporter think about Putin's opponents being murdered

An awful lot of Putin’s political opponents have shown up dead over the years, sometimes in extremely sophisticated ways. To any unbiased observer it is clear that Putin is killing them off and doing so blatantly in order to serve as a warning to others who might consider opposing him.

On the other hand Putin still has a whole lot of Russians supporting him, over 60% if the polls are accurate. What do those supporters think of these murders.

Are they unaware of these deaths?
Do they think its fake news, and that these people either died of natural causes, accidents, or being at the wrong place at the wrong time?
Is it that they know he probably did them, but figure that that’s just how Putin rolls and they like him anyway?

there used to it … i mean its how russian politics have operated since the first czar ivan the terrible in the 1400s ?

Since it is unlikely we have many average Putin supporters here to give a factual response, let’s move this from GQ to IMHO.

General Questions Moderator

There are a lot on “ubiased” people wo think comparable murders took place during the Clinton years. How did Americans, or Clinton supporters, react to those?

No there aren’t.

Assuming ‘ubiased’ means ‘unbiased’ and ‘wo’ means ‘who’, and you are talking about the Clintons and not Putin, then there were no such people. None at all. No unbiased person ever believed such a thing.

Moderator Note

While you can certainly draw an obvious parallel here, let’s focus on one conspiracy theory at a time. If you want to discuss Clinton conspiracy theories in more depth, please take it to another thread.

Putin supporters are Putin supporters because they have to be or else.

I suspect most Russians are just like Trump and believe every world leader does this.

So in every instance where an “obvious parallel” can be drawn, a poster needs to start a new thread about the comparison? The OP did not ask about the CT, but about the public reaction to it., which ia all that I addressed.

Sorry, I don’t think I was supposed to reply to that here, but it took too long to find it to delete it.

No, that’s not what I’m saying. In this particular case, while there is an obvious parallel to be drawn here, there are too many significant social, cultural, and political differences between Russia and the U.S. for it to be directly relevant. Going down the Clinton path leads to a larger CT topic that has the potential to hijack this thread, so all I am saying is let’s focus on Putin and Russians for the purposes of this thread.

What do Putin supporters think about those deaths?

Better him than me!

Well, then, my answer is that in these times, the supporters of any political movement are likely to suspect bias in any allegations against their leanings. And Russians have a long history of recognizing bias when they see it. As well as a keen political sense humor, leading to lots of jokes and laughter about such assumptions. So I would expect Putin supporters to be, um, wry.

Russians like Putin, a lot, because he is singularly pro-Russia, and tough enough to execute pro-Russia policy. without harm to the citizenry.

Pretty much. Russia hasn’t really changed that much since the Tsars. The concept of “rule of law”, as an ideal, never found much traction in Russia. As far as the Russians are concerned, rulers are supposed to use force to enforce their rule - otherwise, they’re weak rulers.

I think they think it is a small price to pay for a strong leader that bring stability and strength to a nation.

I think many parts of the world look on the West’s desire to have lily-pure leaders as very bizarre and unrealistic. When you are just trying to make do in the world, you have a lot bigger things to worry about than if your leader kills a journalist or two.

I am not saying I want what they want, I am just trying to explain.

I assume the citizenry excludes journalists and political opponents.

Everyone is ok with steep prices if they aren’t the ones paying. Is that any different in the US?

Not everyone. We generally refer to those people as assholes. Thanks to Russia there seem to be a lot more of them in power here.

Yeah, trying to look at Russia through the lens of our expectations and experiences is not really going to be 100% useful. The road they have taken through history is very different than the USA, so their expectations of their leaders are also very different.

But on the flip side of that, humans are the same all over. I would speculate that a sizable percentage of Americans would privately (or publicly) chuckle and applaud if some political opponent were to fall out of window, as seems to be the preferred way in Russia.