What does your home say about you?

That I have a baby and a friend who is an awesome artist.

Our decor is modern and pretty minimal, except for all the baby stuff. And we have several paintings by our friend. I don’t really have decorations that would tell you what I like, more what my design sensibility is. There’s an Xbox and Boxee and TV in the living room. No book shelves because I love reading but hate clutter and have a Kindle. There are plants. You might see my running shoes on the floor.

The upstairs is my husband’s space and he has more things that tell you about him. There’s the bar and computers and lots of dirty coffee mugs and water bottles. Oh, and baby stuff.

“This person has no personal style or design sense, but she sure does keep a tidy house!”

This might be fun. It is a Dutch marketing agency which has put a lot of effort in making a segmentation of the Dutch modern public in about six segments, each with their own socio economic status and well described patterns of consumption and political orientation. They also made pictures of typical interiors of every one of the six groups. The site is translated in English.

Lots of overfull bookshelves with a strict organisational scheme, a model skeleton on the desk, piles of papers left over from high school, notebooks and pens scattered everywhere, a violin and music stand, lots of brightly coloured cushions, a carnival mask on the wall, a Star Trek poster, a calendar with fractal patterns, some craft projects I made to show my Brownie unit and a couple of cuddly toys. Yeah, that about sums up my personality.

Not much, it’s a small hotel room. For a number of reasons I have given or thrown out nearly all personal belongings over the years. I’m left with just the basics more or less. On my wall is just a cat calendar and a cork board with a couple of papers, a packet of hemlock seeds and a tiny stuff goat.

…and way too much dust for a small room.