What does your household consume more of than usual?

It doesn’t have to be obscene amounts.

For us it is apples. Two a day. Every day. 14 a week. 730 apples a year. If each one is 1/3 lb and on average they are $2.5 a pound, that is ~$600 a year just for the apples.

Each apple is split into eight segments. We have four people in our family and we each get a quarter every lunch. The two kids eat three segments each after dinner. The two adults get one quarter.

Oh yea, probably milk as well. We got though about 3 gallons a week.

Wine and dog food.

In the winter it’s about $900/month.

Bacon. Dog beds. Blue vases. Power tools.

I pretty much eat the same thing every day. That includes a sweet potato.

I don’t imagine many other people are buying seven sweet potatoes a week, every week.

I also eat 5 eggs a day. So I buy a lot more eggs than most people.

Apples (we live near a commercial apple orchard and use “good” apples for us and “pickouts” for treats for our horses. Liquor and dog food, god yes.

And eggs. Every day I cook two jumbos or three large for the parakeets, African Grey Parrot, and 3 dogs. Then I cook one or two for me. My gf (the health nut) has a few egg white omelets every week.

Rice, I think.

As much as potatoes seem to be the default starch in the stereotypical American meal, andwe do steamed rice (Japanese-style) instead.

Sparkling wine.

Many years ago we decided to have wine with dinner on Saturday and Sunday. After several months it occurred to us that we both prefer a dry sparkling wine to most still wines, so we started having that.

Assuming we are eating at home on Saturday and Sunday, we have 2 bottles per week.

Sorry, but that doesn’t seem “more than usual” to me. Before I reduced by drinking, we would have 3 or 4 bottles of sparkling wine per week, and a few bottles of red wine as well. (Maybe more than usual because I’m sure a whole lot of people never consume sparkling wine, due to the mistaken believe that the crappy cheap stuff they’ve had is what it’s all like)

Avocados, ( bosc ) pears, and sardines. I’m always diligent on making sure I’m never anywhere near close to running out and make sure I have ample supply, plus some contingency, to get me through the workweek.


Paper products.

Bottled water.

As I think about my weird food habits, I could probably add beef to my list.

I eat top round, which is sliced thin “for fajitas”, because it is lean, and therefore not tender.

I eat about 8-10 ounces a day.

So, I buy a lot of beef.


One local store has them for 39 cents/lb. Another will regularly have them for 29 cents/lb.

Our “an apple (or 2) a day keeps the doctor away” has been switched to bananas. Haven’t bought apples for close to 6 months.

Fat-free & lactose-free milk. I probably drink two gallons a week.

Brown sugar and cinnamon Pop-Tarts and dog chews.

There are a lot of people who think that if you drink sparkling wine you must be celebrating something. I’m pretty sure most of those people consume only a bottle or two a year.

Agreed. We get “what are you celebrating?” a lot when we order champagne at a restaurant, or even when buying a few bottles at the store.

Toilet paper. Giant Eagle has a 6 pack for 3.50. Its gone in a week.
Its just me.

Yeah really. Some seem to be very tradition bound; maybe it’s generational?

In the 1948 film ‘Rope’ in where the “plot” revolves around a nefarious dinner party, several times the characters react to seeing champagne served by saying ( basically ) “Champagne? Oh, I didn’t know it was THAT kind of party”, or "is it someone’s birthday?.

I see that and ask myself, why are all these people making such a big deal about sparkling wine being served? To me, it’s just another choice of a type of wine.

I drink more Fresca than people probably should.