What does your username say about you?

I think my name speaks for itself.

I wanted something that kept me fairly anonymous and I was remembering how in every tv program me and my two sisters watched when we were young we each had to be a character. I 'm the youngest and always got the least popular, most geeky character assigned to me. Since my first question (only one so far) was computer related (Oracle) I decided to use Graeme from the Goodies because he famously fell in love with his computer.
Also, I can’t remember which of the Banana Splits I was or whether I was Ann or Julian in the Famous Five but I was definitely Graeme.

My vocation is a water/wastewater treatment engineer (occupation) and have been doing it for 40 years!

One English translation ends with “My panache.” Another translation (which I prefer) ends with “My white plume.”

My username says more about me than is in fact true - although I am somewhat driven to consume a diverse range of foods, it is not quite as near universal as the name suggests.

I guess mentioning this means we have to do that discussion again where people thought it was Man Get Out. It’s not - it’s Mange Tout - Eat All in French (although I myself am not French, and as mentioned above, don’t really eat *quite *everything,

My user name is a combination of my 2 dog breeds of choice- PAPillons and Gordon SETTers.

I wanted a short handle that said a lot about who I am. Not being the creative type, I asked my wife. Since being a Dad is something I take very seriously, and I try very hard to be reliable and “just get the job done”, she suggested trupa, as a double meaning:

  1. true Pa (as in 'Ma)
  2. troupah, as in trouper with a southern accent.

Knowing I could never come up with anything as brilliant, I snatched it up right away.

Me too. I love the Princess’ airport, btw.

That I’m a Tolkien fan with delusions of grandeur: Tuckborough - The Thain's Book

OK for the osteonyms. What bothers me is the exclamation mark.:slight_smile:

This was the fisrt MB I’d encountered that wanted a made-up name. I was in a hurry to post a reply to a thead I was interested in, so I applied my mighty powers of creativity …

And came up with nothing.

I decided I wanted something which indicated my gender, since there had just been a flurry of threads where folks were embarassed / miffed / surprised to learn another poster’s gender was not as assumed.

The LSL part? The town I live in. Pretty exciting isn’t it?

Better than mine. I’m a large person whose name starts with a T.

I just picked it because a few people call me that in real life, so I would instinctively realize it was my name.

Mine just says that I’m easily amused by jokes that get less and less funny every time you encounter them.

don’t ask

From my user name you may infer that I enjoy music that would bug the livin’ crap out of Cartman.
…yes, yes, I know, Cartman and you, too. I’ll just go turn that down, 'kay? :stuck_out_tongue:

blink blink I didn’t know anyone even -knew- ISB anymore! I was a big fan back in the late 80’s.

I think my name is pretty straightforward. Fan of pirates. Long before that disney jazz became mega-popular.

Mine says that I’m silly and was born on March 4th.

When I was a kid I always said ‘‘olives’’ to mean ‘‘I love you’’ (olive you…) and one day my best friend was helping me pick an AIM screen name and olivesmarch4th was born. I like the idea of marching olives. Now everyone close to me associates me with olives and I get olive oven mits and olive pillow cases and all sorts of olivey things.

(I actually hate how olives taste. Oh, the ironing is [not so] delicious!)

Mine is a play on the name of an old girlfriend of mine (Maureen) who was, in fact, quite delicious. It’s also never taken should I need a username for any handy thing I might happen upon.

well…that explains why i tingle every time you post…
I was laid off from my job of 22 years just before I signed up here. Therefore, I 'toil not, neither do I spin…"

stop reading before you get to the ‘clothed in splendor’ part…


Mine came from a MASH episode. Frank Burns was teaching Koreans to speak english, and Hawkeye came in to relieve him. There was some argument between Frank and Hawkeye, and Frank called him “Stink Fish Pot!” (and the Koreans repeated it).

I still have no idea what it is supposed to refer to, unless there were stinky fish pots in Korea.