What Doper’s picture would you most like to see, but haven’t?

See you around.

I see movies at the Cinemark Seven Bridges in Woodridge from time to time. Go there every weekend night at about nine pm and after several weeks, you’re likely to see me maybe once.

Yahoo Photos doesn’t require a password to view, provided you manage to configure your album correctly (you have to go in after you create the album and configure it - the default is private).

Anyone notice what nice calves Polycarp has?
No, really.

Okay, fine. Here’s the old fart rouxing the day he was born.

QtM, lieu, The Grapist, swampbear, and Scott Evil (Yeah, I know he has the evilcam, but I don’t remember the link to it.)

Damn you’re cute.

I just want to clear up that I wasn’t unhappy at Dopaween-several have said I look as if I’m at a funeral. That’s just my face-I’ve been told my entire life that I look miserable even when I’m not.

TeaElle-where did you work there? (And btw, did you know Dr. Brett and Dr. Jourin?)

I second those; also I’d like to add Agent Foxtrot. He’s always very friendly so I imagine he’d have a great smile. :slight_smile:

Ah! The refinement simply wafts from my screen; it reminds one of Chanel No. 5 and a good Earl Grey tea. :slight_smile: (And now I shall admit to Googling Edna May Oliver and finding myself entirely confused as to how you could ever possibly resemble her in the least!)

Dopers are some good looking peoples.

For some reason, I imagined him to be older when I dealt with him in the Scalar thread.

Rjung’s photo is linked to in his handle.

My pick: A working photo of Muad’dib, in case we’ve ever met. (We live in the same town)

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

Yeah, I know nyctea got here before I did, but it’s such a great line that it had to be used. Besides, I think that’s the image I’d rather project to the world.

I wanna see a picture of Fenris. I’ve had an innocent crush on him for years. :o

Ah. I see someone fell unconscious with untrustworthy people around.

Heh. Would you believe I did that myself for my Halloween costume? It’s tougher to write properly on your forehead than you might think (which is why it’s backwards in the picture), and if you rub your forehead raw, Sharpie ink stings like all hells.

Liberal, Tamerlane and tomndebb

All I will say about him is that he’s very cute and cuddly in a mostly butch way, for a straight guy who likes musicals in a way that at times leaves me cringing.


I heard that Bear_Nenno guy is hott.



It is possible to find pictures of me online. (I’m not telling where, though.) I don’t think there are any up of Qadgop, though. He looks pretty much like you’d expect. You know… medical.

Half-moon glasses, stethoscope, unbuttoned white jacket, that thingie on the forehead?