what ever happened to the Supercollidor

Now that we have the factual answers, I may point out that the book Einstein’s Bridge , by John Cramer, is a very interesting science-fictional account of what happened!

It was canceled because it “cost too much”. They could have built three SSCs for what the cost overrun on the International Space Station has come to. :frowning: :mad:

Biology has been getting steadily increasing budgets for quite some time now while the other sciences are struggling to retain even the current levels of funding.

The sad fact is, the funding increases to biology mask the overall stagnation of funding from the policy makers and not enough is being done about this.

We are, of course, not going to have a debate about the supercollidor, about government policy, or anything else in this forum.

I should perhaps have added that the best academic, and slightly-less-easy-to-find, account of the cancellation is the preface Daniel J. Kevles added to the 1995 edition of The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America (Harvard).