What exactly did William Jefferson do wrong?

Most of the news storys state:

What about this is illegal? Or was it how he went about it?

I don’t really want this to turn into a debate about the justification of the FBI search, just what did he do that was so bad?

I believe the item you’re referencing is considered bribery…accepting money in exchange for his influence as a member of Congress.

I have also heard that he commandeered a relief vehicle in New Orleans during the hurricane so he could drive to his house and “rescue” money from the safe. Not sure if this has been proven yet or not.

The brief description clearly is a case for bribery. A congressman is not allowed any sort of quid pro quo for any money given to him: in other words, you can donate to his campaign, but you cannot require (and he cannot ask for) anything in return.

Obviously, you do get something for your money, but it is illegal to ask for direct favors.

The investigation as to the exact wrong is still underway. However, keeping a large amount of cash in a freezer would seem to indicate that something is funny about the money. And a video tape of Jefferson being handed some money is a strong hint that something is going on that he would rather not disclose.

The NY Times summarizes the wrong-doing thusly:

Just to clarify, Rep. Jefferson has not het been charged with any crime, though one of his alleged co-conspirators (Vernon Jackson) has already pled guilty in the case.

I know I keep all my honestly earned money in the freezer. Seriously, being in public office has a duty to be transparent in financial dealings. All bullshit aside, lobbying is bribery. This guy just allegedly took it a step further. I know I will sound like a nut case conspiracy wacko, but if as the news has reported the FBI has video of him taking the bribe, find the bribe money at his home, (Back in September) why has he not been arrested? Maybe to wait until closer to elections? I know if I did something illegal on video, with supporting evidence the local DA would not wait the better part of a year to sling my butt into jail. But this guy still sits on the Ways and means comittee (argueably one of the most powerfull comitties out there). What gives?

what is the hurry? He not going anywhere-most likely. Perhaps the FBI is still working on other participants and for some reason arresting him, and placing more documents in the record, would make that harder.

There are well-publicized constitutional matters (in the eyes of Congress) about the case and it’s likely that DOJ and the FBI wanted to make very sure that they were dotting all the Is and crossing the Ts.

We have a winner, folks! I strongly doubt that Jefferson is the only guy in Congress who accepts bribes.

I heard on NPR recently that the FBI has several thousand individual violations in their investigation pipeline. Either Mr. Jefferson has been extremely busy, or there are other fish in the pond.