What famous novel came from circa 1669?

This will bug me because it is a title you’ve probably heard. The novel was a mockery of a long British history trying to get the Catholics out of power only to have it all creep back in, once more. Yet, the second-time around England is wiser as the opposing Whigs and Tories of the Parliament (and the King, James II, IIRC) finally learn the art of compromise. This leads into the appointment to King William and Queen Mary to the throne in perhaps the first peaceful AND almost democratic way.

Supposedly, there’s a well-known novel based on all of this written in the heart of all this turmoil - circa 1669? Any takers?
I guess I need a history or English Lit. buff, huh? yeah, like they’re a dime a dozen! - Jinx

Presumably it’s either Paradise Lost (which isn’t a novel), which was published in 1667, or Pilgrim’s Progress (which arguably isn’t a novel either), which was published in 1678. Neither is actually about contemporary events, except in the indirect senses that they are the most obvious expressions of the Protestant spirituality which played such an important part in the political events of the period and that both were written while Milton and Bunyan were being persecuted by Charles II’s government.

Incidentally, whigs and tories (in the sense you mean), James II as king, William and Mary etc. all came later.

I believe it IS “Paradise Lost” - which I was under the (false) impression was a novel. I am surprised this piece of literature goes so far back in history. Likewise, I recently found out Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” was not a book, either. It was a pamphlet - perhaps nothing more than a persuasive argument.

Was “Paradise Lost” the same kind of thing? If not a novel, what was it? - Jinx

Paradise Lost? Milton? One of the greatest works of English poetry etc. etc.?


…and elsewhere online.