my boyfriend swallows him chewing/bubble gum all the time. i heard past rumors of how this digests, i was curious to know the real answer.
Mu understanding is that is usually passes though the system without any problems, and takes out some stuff with it, if you get my drift… It doesn’t sit dormant in the body for years. Of course, swallowing too much could cause some troubles in certain conditions, so just don’t swallow a lot of it is the lesson here I suppose…
It goes out the same way as any other indigestible stuff you swallow. Won’t hurt anything.
Here’s Cecil’s brief column on the matter.
And no, swallowing a large hunk of bubble gum will not result in bubble-blowing taking place when the gum decides to exit the body. But that huge hunk of gum will stay in one big blob until the very end. So just be careful.